If the United States' population totaled 10 people and they had 10 beers ...

I find it very hard to believe that 7/10 people drink beer. In any case since there is no timeframe on these beers, one must assume that there have been and will only ever be these 10 beers. In which case the guy is never going to drink beer again and so is perfectly right to drink 6 beers out of 10.. :p
Did they say if it was American Beer, Canadian Beer, Brit beer or 'other' ?

I guess that Mr. 6beers is the drunk driver we all hear about, eh?
how much alcohol % in those?

i doubt they have more than 15%, which is the ammount that'd give me a lesser buzz with 6 shots.
More surprising is that the author of the original article actually managed to correctly use the apostrophe in the title..
I know where to use an apostrophe. You don't seem to know how many periods to use though.

MrBishop said:
SF - Try 6 canadian beers
It is a common myth that Canadian beers are stronger than their American counterparts. Americans define alcohol by weight, whereas Canadians define it by volume. Given in volume:

Molson Canadian - 5.0%
Moosehead Lager - 5.0%
Sleeman's Cream Ale - 5.0%

Budweiser - 5.0%
Samual Adams Boston Lager - 5.1%

Corona Extra (Mexican) - 4.7%

DAB (German) - 4.9%

Heineken (Netherlands) - 4.7%

Coopers (Australia) - 5.8%
its dutch, as is amstel and grolsch.

stella artios [stale tortoise], for all its french advertising, is belgian.
Jeslek said:
I know where to use an apostrophe. You don't seem to know how many periods to use though.

Periods are wimmen's problems. I avoid having anything to do with them

Jerrek said:
It is a common myth that Canadian beers are stronger than their American counterparts.

It's not all stronger, but it usually tastes better.

Americans define alcohol by weight, whereas Canadians define it by volume. Given in volume:

Molson Canadian - 5.0%
Moosehead Lager - 5.0%
Sleeman's Cream Ale - 5.0%
La Maudite -13%
Mongoose - 7.2%

Budweiser - 5.0%
Samual Adams Boston Lager - 5.1%

Corona Extra (Mexican) - 4.7%

DAB (German) - 4.9%

Heineken (Netherlands) - 4.7%

Coopers (Australia) - 5.8%
the strength of beer means jack all if it tastes like crap. i've got some 12% bitter here i don't even want to contemplate opening - it tastes awful and is a fire hazard ;)
I heard, on the radio, that a major manufacturer has come out with a beer-flavored water product, which should come as no surprise, since Coors Light has been makin' one for a very long time.:)
[Monty Python]Your American beer is like making love in a canoe... it's fucking close to water![/Monty Python]