I'll have what Spot's having


Well-Known Member
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is living up to its reputation as a nation of dog lovers with many owners feeding their four-legged friends healthier and tastier meals than they serve up for themselves, a survey published Wednesday said.

A study of 1,337 British dog owners found that 18 percent fed their pampered pet pooches a better diet than their own, giving them fresh dishes instead of tinned food.

Consequently 21 percent of dogs enjoyed cheese, 15 percent were given fish and 9 percent chomped on vegetables.

More than a quarter of respondents said they would eat the food they bought their dog.

However, the gourmet meals came at a price, the study for Direct Line insurance said. Pet owners pay out 2.3 billion pounds a year on their dogs' dinners and 10 percent admit their pet has got a weight problem.


Big Macs for the kids...ground round for Fido. :rolleyes:
The sad thing is that most dogs will eat anything. My dogs get the cheapest (almost) dry food twice a day. If they start getting fat, I cut back on their portions (kinda sad that I can't do it for myself). They like it fine. Emmy (the big black one) supplements her dinner occasionally with a tender young rabbit and of course they both love that most wonderful of doggy delicacies, cat poo. They like to eat poo! I'm sure as hell not giving them gourmet food. :grinno:
Our dog eats better food than most mexicans (steaks, chicken, ham, etc).
Inkara1 said:
I didn't know you could feed a dog cheese or any dairy and not have it get the shits.

Dogs LOVE cheese. My dog eats it all the time, has every since we got her and she's never had an issue. She also eats veggies, pasta, left over meats, last night she had a few small pieces of salmon (although at first she wasn't so fussy about it for some reason).
i had a chicken sandwich from Wendys today

wait...i changed my name here....
My aunt's dogs eat fruit, and salad too - carrots, tomatoes, lettuce. That is weird.
My dog eats fruit and stuff too...my mom feeds it to her while she's making fruit salad for her work lunches.
Emmy will eat virtually any food you give to her. For some reason she has a problem with whole grapes though. If you cut them she'll gobble 'em right down but if they're whole she'll roll them round on her tongue them spit them on the floor and sniff at them a bit then do it again. Comical. She loves banana peppers too. Crystal will eat most vegetables but will back away from you if you try to giver her banana peppers. :shrug: Most things that she doesn't want to eat, she will take nicely from your hand and go put it down somewhere out of the way, then come back and beg to be petted.
Elvis is the picky one here. Doesn't much care for chicken usually. Loves liver. LOVES cornbread but will not touch a biscuit. Have to change up the dry food weekly or he gets finnicky. Won't eat the expensive dry food, nor any that make "gravy", but will eat gravy on what we put out for him. Pest.

Louie Louie is a Hoover. He'll eat anything we've given him except tomatoes.
Yeah, it's just par for the course with bassetts. They eat what they want, and it's your job to figure out what that is and provide it.

Beef liver was a big hit with mine, too, but be careful. It definitely screws with their weight, and it was making him have the shits quite a bit. Vet about shit himself when he found out that's what we were feeding him.
Hippo will eat anything except lettuce and brocolli stalks. If you are walking with a sandwich at waist level, chances are it's not yours anymore.
Our vet recommended it because we couldn't get weight on him. Liver and cornbread do the trick.

AE cooks him fresh liver couple times a year, and I always save him plenty of cornbread.

OH, HOMEY...did I mention he's gonna be a daddy?
Not right off, but it ain't Cilla...

She's a registered tri-color Basset owned by/owning a fellow SCV member. We should have a pup any week now.
Bassett pups! Gotta have pics.

One day when I was a kid, ours got out and roamed the neighborhood for a few hours. He came home exhausted, tongue literally on the floor, and smelling nasty. Didn't think much of it at the time, just glad he dodged the traffic long enough to make it home.

A few months later, there were some very odd looking pups about 2 miles away from our place. The owner saw our dog and immediately ID'd him as daddy. Little shit got his paws on a border collie in heat, and they had a good ol' time for awhile.

Luckily, the other guy didn't mind. He said it was one odd sight watching those two go at it, though.