I'll have what Spot's having

/me looks up pictures of border collies, then of basset hounds

Holy shit! That's got to be one of the funniest stories I've heard today! :rofl:
Since the day I brought Elvis home, I have dreamed of a pup from him. I know there's no guarantee, but I wanted another one with as close to his disposition/personality as possible. I also wanted a tri-color if possible (he's lemon and white). He was a little over a year old when I found him, and he's been the perfect dog. I had my doubts about this endeavor as he was the original 40 year old virgin, and celebrated his 10th birthday in January, but my buddy told me he went right to work as soon as he was turned loose with her. Like father...

He's in his declining years...gets whiter every year...and I'm gonna go apeshit when his time comes. Having his pup will help some. Hope they get to spend many years together.
Professur said:
Shame it's such a bitch (par'd the pun) getting animals over the border, or I'd be looking you up.
A Shitzu-Bassett !!

Dayum...that'd be something to see. :eek5:
SouthernN'Proud said:
Since the day I brought Elvis home, I have dreamed of a pup from him. I know there's no guarantee, but I wanted another one with as close to his disposition/personality as possible.

My dad's dog had puppies (actually one puppy i think) when my dad was really little. The mother was saucey but the pup was the best dog ever he says. My grandparents made him get rid of the momma cause she was REALLY mean and my dad was very little and they feared she'd hurt him. Don't mean to dampen your spirits but don't get your hopes up too high that they'll have the same disposition.
Nixy said:
My dad's dog had puppies (actually one puppy i think) when my dad was really little. The mother was saucey but the pup was the best dog ever he says. My grandparents made him get rid of the momma cause she was REALLY mean and my dad was very little and they feared she'd hurt him. Don't mean to dampen your spirits but don't get your hopes up too high that they'll have the same disposition.

I have yet to see a really aggressive bassett. Stupid, yes. Aggressive, no.

They may not be clones, but every bassett I've ever met has just been a big ol' attention hog. They'll be close enough.
He's in his declining years...gets whiter every year...and I'm gonna go apeshit when his time comes.

i know what you mean. i'm goning to be the same way when my dog goes.
I don't want my dog to die...but I see her getting older and older :mope:

I try to spend as much time with her as possible...laying around watching TV, hanging out with her in the backyard, etc.
HomeLAN said:
Yeah, it's just par for the course with bassetts. They eat what they want, and it's your job to figure out what that is and provide it.

Beef liver was a big hit with mine, too, but be careful. It definitely screws with their weight, and it was making him have the shits quite a bit. Vet about shit himself when he found out that's what we were feeding him.

One of my mum's cats died from vitamin A poisoning cos it refused to eat anything else but liver. They can't metabolise it or something. My brother's cat used to catch his own rabbit's, but he never ate the kidneys for some reason... you'd find them on the doorstep... :eek5:

My dogs Bryn, Mork and Willow were hoovers... they'd eat anything they could get their teeth on... usually stolen off my plate or out of Katie's hand in the case of Mork if I wasn't looking. I had to rehome him in the end... he got very jealous and aggressive after Katie was born, his stealing food from her was the last straw.

Bryn was a beautiful dog. A blue brindal smooth haired crossed Greyhound/whippet (we call them lurchers here), about 3/4 the size of a full grown greyhound. He had a lovely temperament, but he was oh so dumb! He just loved to run around and chase things... that's what got him killed in the end. We were out walking about 6.30am one morning and he spotted a rabbit and dashed off across the road after it. Just as he reached the road a lorry came careering round the corner, I was frantically calling him and as he turned to come back it hit him and killed him instantly. It really looked like it would miss him. It was horrible, I totally freaked out. You don't expect lorries on little country lanes at that time in the morning.
My old cat used to eat liver all the time, he grew really really big and lived quite a long time, til a car ran over him.