I'll never drink again ...

nalani said:
hmm... *coulda sworn I was placed on your ignore list*

Bubba said:
So you don't care if I post in your threads just as long as I agree with everything you say. Is that it?

did I say that? did I even allude to that? No, I didn't. But of course, you being who you are, you just have to twist and turn another's words to suit you. It's funny how you say you've attempted to mend what can be mended in one breath, and in the other you revert to tactics that made many dislike you in the first place. Post where you want - but be forwarned (and since you have a short memory, I suggest you write this down) - I don't like you. So, if you're even slightly condescending, or attempt to, as usual, twist any of my words, I will let it rip. The choice is yours.

I don't understand what you mean about tactics that I am using? If you want to know why I started preaching, it is because I once liked you a lot.

Sure, I came on a little strong about the topic of drinking.

Here is how I see it. Many people drink and I don't have a problem with that. If I think someone is even remotely considering not drinking then I start talking about the evils of it.

You are welcome to pm me anytime you want. You can even cuss me out if that would help. Thanks.
cool it people...he was making a genuine reply. no need for this kind of stuff!

relax, have a beer, or a soda....
nalani said:
but be forwarned (and since you have a short memory, I suggest you write this down) - I don't like you.
:rofl4: I was in a real crappy mood and that line just busted me up. Thanks na...you made me laugh.
Staying up all night drinking on a work night is just something that can't be helped every once in awhile.
Oh my goodness, I've heard (and uttered) that line so many times--"I'll never drink again!" :laugh:

Isn't that usually said the morning after though when you're head feels like it's going to explode? Will you get back to us on how you're coping tomorrow morning? ;)

I think Ku'u will need to bring you a nice big cup of coffee. :D
Bubba, I don't even want to talk to you publicly, much less privately.

Shadow - that's your opinion, not mine

Q - you're very welcome ... glad someone caught that :D

greenie - ku'u and her family sick :( ... and both my boys are too .. I'm gonna go home and take care of them
nalani said:
But do not pretend that this thread was an invitation for a lecture on "what is right for me is right for everyone else".

Is that a hint or can I reply? :D
Shit... now I come to think of it I haven't had a drink in ages... I don't like drinking alone... 'spose ta be good in moderation as well... someone pass the bottle.... :beerdrnk:

If you get to like drinking alone, hiding it in strange places and can't start the day without a shot you can worry, otherwise party on! :beerbang:
Mmmm 1 more week and I get back to the UK and I can get a pint of Caffreys again :beerdrnk:
I'm not too keen on Italian stuff :sick2:
Get a semi decent pint of John Smiths in a local Aussie bar though ;)
I haven't had a drink in almost 3 months, so, Na, when I get back home, could you FedEx me your private stash? Pretty please with sugar on top? :D
nalani said:
greenie - ku'u and her family sick :( ... and both my boys are too .. I'm gonna go home and take care of them

:( I hope everyone gets better soon! I was wondering where she was. Sounds like you might need another night out soon enough. :D