"Illegal alien" is a racist phrase

To suit the local vocabulary .... like I stated above.

And I've heard all the pronounciations in french for my name. Jean isn't one I accept, since it's hardly the same letters, is it?

BTW, how do you pronounce "rapport" in french? EEEEEE!!!.
Here's a quick question:

Many people complain that people cross over illegally, steal jobs, don't pay taxes and still get money from the GVT...welfare etc...

If they don't have landed immigrant papers, how the hell do they get access to these programs?
Because of privacy laws, those dept's aren't allowed to talk to each other. Hell, that's why they're having so much trouble with Medicare up here. The hospitals aren't allowed to share records.
In many cases, you don't here. In the cases where you do, all it takes is about $150 to get fake papers.
The local State agencies that administer the disbursement
of the free shit PROMOTE the handing out of your tax dollars too these sterling individuals.

(our version of prop 187)

We passed a law here to stop it and our bull dyke Governor has done everything to stop that too

Joe has prolly screwed himself out of a job

Or will be our next Governor

Old Joe is on Rush Limbaugh's program talking up his actions to a guest host

Thars a change in the wind, just not sure which way it is blowing yet!
Wow the guest host just said that 9.3 million
W-2's were flagged by the IRS

These are the W-2's of illegals.

We could put these beaners out of work in a fortnight.

Hmm now that would be a 'boycott' now wouldn't it?
Winky said:
We could put these beaners out of work in a fortnight.

You put 9.3million workers out of work, and you'll be taking down a coupla thousand companies with'em. Not to mention the legal people who work along side'em.
MrBishop said:
You put 9.3million workers out of work, and you'll be taking down a coupla thousand companies with'em. Not to mention the legal people who work along side'em.

If the company hires illegals knowingly, good ridance to them. If the legals are working knowingly alongside illegals, they deserve what they get too.
> Best regards,
> Scott Peterson
> _____
> Dear President Bush,
> As a public school teacher in an area of California that is 85 % Hispanic
> I
> can tell you how the boycott affected our school. It was the BEST DAY OF
> The students who wanted to learn could actually have that opportunity
> because the worst behaved and lowest scoring students were not present.
> In the past, immigrants appreciated and respected an education. Today
> mock it and disrespect every aspect of education. They tag the books,
> desks
> and buildings with their gang graffiti. They throw their trash
> everywhere.
> They curse at and make racist remarks towards their teachers and
> administrators. These students refuse to say the pledge of allegiance and
> wave the Mexican flag in our faces. They wear shirts that say "Brown
> Proud"
> and "Hecho in Mexico". They and their families are here to take from us
> with no allegiance to our country. They are disrespectful and extremely
> disruptive. They do nothing to further their education and only come to
> school to socialize and degrade our system.
> If you think I am racist, think again, I have an adopted brother who is
> Mexican. I am simply responding to the racism against white people that I
> have to endure every day in my own country by disrespectful children,
> teenagers and their parents, many of which are here illegally.
> In case you have missed the message, we are at war for California and the
> rest of our country by an enemy who has systematically planned to take us
> over ,one state at a time, by amnesty and nearly exponential birthrates.
> Wake up and secure our borders now!!!
Just prepare yourself for the price of home-grown produce to triple.:nerd:

As for knowingly hiring illegal... some companies do and some just get the wool pulled over their eyes.

As for employees that work along-side illegals. You going to quit or get fired from a job just to burn some illegal that's working next to you? :grinno:

Suuuure... they'll replace your ass with another just like him. Hope that you enjoy the unemployment line.

** How about just tightening some of those loopholes that the illegals use to get their 'papers', and all the handouts that come with it?

No verifiable SIN#...no job, no UI, no insurance, no school for your kids, no drivers license...have a nice day, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

You have 16 people using the same SIN# ? Woah... a quick bot running in the background of the IRS, or whatever keeps track of who works for whom, and lookit that. Buddy has 16 jobs!! :eek5: :eek5: In four states no less!! Hardest working immigrant I've ever seen.

If the GVT can swing the worlds largest database to keep track of all phone calls made into or out of the USA...they damn well should be able to program a few bots.
You have 16 people using the same SIN# ? Woah... a quick bot running in the background of the IRS, or whatever keeps track of who works for whom, and lookit that. Buddy has 16 jobs!! In four states no less!! Hardest working immigrant I've ever seen.

Not all 17 work, silly boy. 3/4 just pull benefits on the number.
The Dems can't afford to lose all those voters.

They'd never even come close to winning another election.
MrBishop said:
Just prepare yourself for the price of home-grown produce to triple.:nerd:

Like I said where gas was concerned. I don't mind paying a fair price. The economy will balance itself.

As for knowingly hiring illegal... some companies do and some just get the wool pulled over their eyes.

I'll let Hl (who actually knows what's involved in hiring someone down there) answer that.

As for employees that work along-side illegals. You going to quit or get fired from a job just to burn some illegal that's working next to you? :grinno:

Oddly enough, drug dealers count on the same kind of silence. If more people had the balls to speak up, they'd have no power.

Suuuure... they'll replace your ass with another just like him. Hope that you enjoy the unemployment line.

They might have a bit of a hard time, once La Migra has them on the scope.

** How about just tightening some of those loopholes that the illegals use to get their 'papers', and all the handouts that come with it?

already answered.

No verifiable SIN#...no job, no UI, no insurance, no school for your kids, no drivers license...have a nice day, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

You have 16 people using the same SIN# ? Woah... a quick bot running in the background of the IRS, or whatever keeps track of who works for whom, and lookit that. Buddy has 16 jobs!! :eek5: :eek5: In four states no less!! Hardest working immigrant I've ever seen.

If the GVT can swing the worlds largest database to keep track of all phone calls made into or out of the USA...they damn well should be able to program a few bots.

You wanna make up your mind there, buddy? Either you're for the gov't sharing departmental info, or you're against it. And .... the phone program has already been explained. If you can't be bothered to read it, that's your lookout. If you didn't understand it, ask .... in that thread.
To get welfare here, off the top of my head, they require:

Birth Certificate for all adults or proof of Citizenship
Signature ID
Proof of Address (government letter, utility bill, lease, etc)
Birth Certificates for all children
Health Cards for everyone (for which of course you need a birth certificate that when applied for, must match hospital records (and they do check) or proof of citizenship)
Proof that the children attend school or proof of School Board's permission to home school.
Social Insurance card, or ample letters from Revenue Canada to prove such.
All addressed stuff has to go back and match to the same proof of address paper.
also, they require/request employment documentation and bank information. Not having either of those requires a whole whack of investigation.

Not having just one of those documents will disqualify you from procuring welfare, or any other government benefit dealies.

To get the kids into school - again, if you can't provide it, the kids can't go
Birth Certificate or Proof of Citizenship
Health Card
Proof of Address (utility bill in the parent's name, a lease, etcetera)
Immunization card

To go get any of this shit legally is hell on earth. To get it faked and have it all tie in together with everybody would be doubleshitty.

I dunno, somehow it works here.