Illegal Immigration Up Since Senate Bill

Gato_Solo said:
Perhaps I don't get it. Would you please explain it small words?

Even better, I'll use yours.

Gato_Solo said:
Last night, a Berkeley County Sheriff's deputy was stabbed while responding to a domestic dispute.

OK. Tragic, but not unusual.

The attacker was shot, and killed.


The attacker's name will not be announced until next of kin has been notified.

Standard operating procedure. Nothing to see here.

He was only in the US for 3 years, and his next of kin is in Mexico.

Interesting, but hardly newsworthy. We are all painfully aware that criminals cross the border. I see more of it than most of you do. In fact, the part about his "only" being here three years disturbs me quite a bit. Three years, he should have been sent back a long time ago.

While some may say that this doesn't mean anything, I beg to differ for the following reasons...

1. The man in question was not a US citizen, and was not filling a highly technical job.

Agreed. No argument here.

2. The stabbing occured in a trailer park.

100% irrelevent.

If I said that the stabbing occurred on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd and Malcolm X Street, and that supposedly proved something, I'd be labelled racist. You know it, because it happened. Remember Hogg et al?

I am aware of the crime rates in trailer parks as opposed to My Shit Don't Stink Acres, a gated community. My job takes me into both places, however. The fact that this man lived in a trailer park is totally irrelevent. He could have lived in an apartment, a housing project, a suburbian home, an igloo...that is not important. You should, and do, know better.

We have all been guilty to some extent at one time or another of painting with a broad brush. Myself included. My biases are open and plain to see and I own every one of them. I consciously picked up my broad brush about five years ago. Why? I got tired of being painted with one and decided one way to combat it was to paint back and let some people see how it feels. Are there decent people in Boston? Most likely. But I paint because I have been painted. Unfair maybe, but I didn't paint first.

Now, while it is possible the man in question was on his way to becoming a US citizen, who wants to take that bet that he was actually doing so? I'll post the source as soon as I can.

Conjecture, but reasonable given the other facts.

Gonz's "harmless little stereotypes" he is so fond of are double edged. I don't care who you are, you fit one or more. If you're going to indulge in them, don't bitch when you get shafted the next time. Most folks think they're funny, until one hits home. Then it should be stopped. The ones I rail against seem to be very popular...seen the promos for the movie Cars? Amazing coincidence that the dense, stupid wrecker-type thing has that accent and the buck teeth, huh? Saves the producers time explaining that he isn't very bright...after all, he's got that accent so it goes without saying that he's stupid.

But ya see, we dumbass Southerners have a few stereotypes of our own. And they contain those same "nuggets of truth" that everyone else uses to ease their conscience about their prejudices against us. Of course, THOSE we don't like to hear. They're not funny.

So why was it important where this guy lived again?
SouthernN'Proud said:
So why was it important where this guy lived again?

Because, in my area, trailer parks are the areas of choice for illegal immigrants because of the lower cost of housing. While not true in 100% of cases, that's the trend in SC. That's why it's relevant.
Gato_Solo said:
My apologies, but that reference was about the illegal immigrants choice of living arrangements in these parts.

then please restrict them to your parts, if you must make them at all.

Up here, they tend to buy large houses, and live 15 people to the house. All the money is pooled, and they work any and all shifts. There's usually one large car, and everyone is ferried to and from work. BTW, most of them aren't illegal. They come from poorer countries where having 3 generations under one roof isn't unusual. They pool their money, buying what's needed, when it's needed. The children don't go to daycare, since there are adults at the house to look after them. The children, by-and-large do better at school, for that. They're often tri-lingual or better. When one graduates, he usually gets something to the order of a new car, to get him to university. When they get married, their new house is usually a gift, paid for in cash.

Maybe we jsut get a better class of immigrant than you.
Professur said:
then please restrict them to your parts, if you must make them at all.

Up here, they tend to buy large houses, and live 15 people to the house. All the money is pooled, and they work any and all shifts. There's usually one large car, and everyone is ferried to and from work. BTW, most of them aren't illegal. They come from poorer countries where having 3 generations under one roof isn't unusual. They pool their money, buying what's needed, when it's needed. The children don't go to daycare, since there are adults at the house to look after them. The children, by-and-large do better at school, for that. They're often tri-lingual or better. When one graduates, he usually gets something to the order of a new car, to get him to university. When they get married, their new house is usually a gift, paid for in cash.

Maybe we jsut get a better class of immigrant than you.

A large house here is hella expensive, but trailers can be had for as little as $500 per month. :shrug: Also...since most of your immigrants are of the legal variety...they'd have the means to do what you're saying. There are, on average, 11 million illegal immigrants in the US at any given time.
So help me out here. What exactly has your dander up about this story? The fact that he was an immigrant, most likely illegal? Or the fact that he lived in a trailer?

Myself, I'm more pissed because a cop got stabbed. The rest is just filler material. But I'm sure that just makes me wrong. Again.

My point was, don't assume jsut because people live 15 to a house that they're illegal.

and trailers up here aren't cheap. they've about 3 times the insulation you southerners need. Otherwise, the money you save paying for a cheap trailer, you spend trying to heat it. My neighbour just sold his 1970 trailer for $70k. I was looking at a house 2 years back only $10k more than that.

The point is, quit making assumptions. Or maybe someone else will start making assumptions about yourself.
SouthernN'Proud said:
So help me out here. What exactly has your dander up about this story? The fact that he was an immigrant, most likely illegal? Or the fact that he lived in a trailer?

That part...

SnP said:
Myself, I'm more pissed because a cop got stabbed. The rest is just filler material. But I'm sure that just makes me wrong. Again.


And that part, too. The trailer part was a clue that he is, most likely, least to me.
The reason both sides of the aisle allow illegals into this country
is: we were (are) running out of poor people.

This country is so successful that once you get here you move on up
to the eastside to the big apartment in the sky.

'cept them damn Asians do it in one generation.

The beaners are ideal cuz they stay in the lower classes forever.

With the aging and non replacement of the white folks
we need someone to work like dogs and get taxed to death to
pay for the commie socialist state.
Winky said:
The reason both sides of the aisle allow illegals into this country
is: we were (are) running out of poor people.

This country is so successful that once you get here you move on up
to the eastside to the big apartment in the sky.

'cept them damn Asians do it in one generation.

The beaners are ideal cuz they stay in the lower classes forever.

With the aging and non replacement of the white folks
we need someone to work like dogs and get taxed to death to
pay for the commie socialist state.

You keep forgetting that your entire country was founded with lower classes. If you'd jsut stayed where you belonged, none of this shit would have happened.
Around these parts, when we think trailer park, we think: "If your wife has ever said, 'come move this transmission so I can take a bath!'"

Illegals in California, where the largest share go, don't have a particular housing pattern. Some live in trailers, some live in houses, some live in apartments, some live in a shed at the vineyard.
Winky said:
The reason both sides of the aisle allow illegals into this country
is: we were (are) running out of poor people.

This country is so successful that once you get here you move on up
to the eastside to the big apartment in the sky.

'cept them damn Asians do it in one generation.

The beaners are ideal cuz they stay in the lower classes forever.

With the aging and non replacement of the white folks
we need someone to work like dogs and get taxed to death to
pay for the commie socialist state.

Listen to Neil and Rush much?
ya see when a tidal wave of brown
washes over all but the highest socioeconomic areas
of your town, yer feet get muddy
hell eye gots illeagls livin' across dah street
and down the street
and up dah street
when eye moved in here 22 years ago dare want none
den duh old white folks died and the dinosaurs came
then the Arabs bought Mercedes
Professur said:
My point was, don't assume jsut because people live 15 to a house that they're illegal.

It's a safe assumption. It doesn't mean that every family that dwells multi-generational are illegal but it's another fitting stereotype, which are assumptions based on learned behavior.

No, I don't like being stereotyped but I know I will be. It only matters when someone close to me makes an assumption & they understand the bigger picture. As far as everyone else-Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.