Illegals are getting help

Yeah, whatever, they won't leave anyway, it is better for your health to get used to it.
This may be the dividing factor in the conservative movemement. Some want to pay illegals less wages than Americans would receive. Some want the law enforced. Some want "worker passes".

I am beginning to lose my ideological battle (with myself) over Posse Comitatus. If the Mexican gov't is willing to assist its population to infiltrate a foreign country, ibreaking it's laws & hurting its economy, it's beginning to look more & more like war.
Luis G said:
Yeah, whatever, they won't leave anyway, it is better for your health to get used to it.

Dood I SHOULD get used to the ten million that are already here what I refuse to get used to is the upteen million more that might flood over the border!

I know why the 'hispanic' 'Americans' voted for Prop. 200
many Americans that just so happen to have brown skin
hate the illegals more than anyone else. They make them look BAD!

Just like Bill Cosby's sentiments heh heh
Oh and as for getting used to it for my Health!

Recently I got a thing in the mail that basically said:

You must vote yes on this prop so we can raise your property taxes to keep the county hospitial open to provide free health care to the illegals or they will be coming to YOUR hospitials!!!

Hospitials all over the reconquista areas of this town have closed because of the illegals getting FREE medical care.

In new Mexicoland in this town the emergency rooms all closed because they are required by law to provide free healthcare. So if I'm in an auto accident in south Phoenix
it WILL affect my health directly because I'll be looking at a LONG ambulance ride to whitemans' land to get treated!
So money taken from me at the point of a gun has an affect on my "health" in many ways Louie!
At this point I really don't understand why Mexico doesn't do like the
Philippines did, and let our gov get in there a little.

Fox clearly ain't doing squat that he said he'd do.