I'm blind...


Well-Known Member
Well half blind. Splashed mud in my eye yesterday and by this morning i couldn't even open my eyes. So i went to the ER this morning and they glued my eye shut. A large abrasion ion my the eye and all they give my are some crappy hyraacodone 5/500's. Even this screen hurts to klook at and i'm not even going to edit this.n My 5th eye injury in my life.
Did they give you half a seeing eye dog? Sorry bout the eye, Hex. You gotta take better care of those things.
Sorry about the late response (this is Leah, typing for Perry,
he can't focus on the monitor). The city knocked on my door,
yesterday morning and told me there was a broken water
pipe on my property; and was flooding the neighbor's
property. Because it was on private property, I had to fix it,
instead of the City of Ketchikan. After an hour of digging,
(this is where I splashed mud on my face). I discovered it was
in the street and not on my property. BTW GONZ thanks for
the reaffirmation. :D
I once got a great deal of shampoo in my eye.. couldnt see with it for a week... it really sucks... Hope you get better dude!
That happened to me a long time ago - corneal abrasion- it was really windy one night and I got some grit in my eye, they had to dig it out with a needle and to top it all I got an infection - three days of total agony, my head was on fire before the painkillers began to work and I couldn't see properly for a couple of weeks. Urrrgh! :(

I hope you get better soon.