I'm gonna get in trouble from some of you... but...


Kissy Goddess
Ok.. so I'm driving to work this morning and I'm on this On-Ramp that merges onto a freeway. It has two lanes and I'm in the lane that merges in to the one lane before the freeway. Every other car merges, right? Common courtesy... well.. this gal in a truck was hell bent on NOT letting me in and she was tailgating the car in front of her so I could NOT get in. So - I'm a stubborn gal...k? No chick is gonna one up me... lol.. silly, I know... so I pushed my way in... inching in a little at a time.. she's got an old truck, I have a new mini-van - she's not gonna mess with what that would cost her in the end, I'm thinking. **heehee** So I get in... she's pissed cuz she's tailgating me now... we get on the freeway and I immediately zip over to the fastlane just to stay in front of her... lol... I'm such a child. And I'm going over the speed limit by 20 km/hour. She's right on my ass!! So I tapped the brakes very gently so as to make it look like I was putting on my brakes and she slams hers on... WOW!! Was she pissed... I'm laughing my head off at how angry someone can get in traffic!!! So she stays on me, I get right beside a SUV that's going the speed limit and keep pace with him... heehee... oh man, I thought she was going to bust a nerve in her head. Finally my turnoff came and so I stepped on the gas and FLEW over to the right lane and off the ramp... I look in my rear view and sure enough!!!!!!!! She follows me!! I'm really laughing now! So I pretend I'm going straight and we come to a light and have to stop. She pulls up a couple cars ahead of me... stares at me and is talking on the phone... holding up a piece of paper like she's writing my plates down. I'm laughing at her... sipping my coffee.... and then I turn and go on my merry way. Oh God that was fun. I hate that it brought me so much joy. LOL!!!!!!! I'm very bad.
You really should be careful there.
Some people will just get up beside you, and open fire. :eek:
I've pulled a vid camera on people that cut me off. But then, I've a police force as a customer.
I've had several "road rage" cases on probation in my days. Small towns, big cities...it can happen. Is saving twelve seconds off a commute really worth it? Or am I just too adapted to the slow pace of life in these hills? :shrug:
oh ya... I thought you meant on the freeway - but you're right.. as for merging, I would have been at fault.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I've had several "road rage" cases on probation in my days. Small towns, big cities...it can happen. Is saving twelve seconds off a commute really worth it? Or am I just too adapted to the slow pace of life in these hills? :shrug:

I always wonder where the connection gets made that says it's okay to RISK YOUR LIFE to get somewhere a few seconds earlier.

Luis said:
warning: do not try that over here
He is not kidding.
Tell me the kids weren't in the car. :eek:

Most of the time I write them all off as assholes and defer. I learned my lesson when I changed lanes to get a tailgater off my ass and a couple of miles up the road, found him and another car on the side of the road after getting into an accident. It could have easily been me.

I'm not immune to road rage, I've been pretty pissed at times and done things like keep speed with another lane to prevent someone from passing.

But I would never do it with other people in the car. And parents doing it is irresponsible IMHO. Your kids aren't going to understand why you never came home, even if you thought "it could never happen to me" when you were fucking around with some asshole on the road who doesn't know how to drive.
I often just ignore assholes like that...if I'm in the fast lane, I'm there for a reason, then I get out. I don't tailgate and don't cut people off...I don't have to. The majority of the time, rapid lane changes and speeding won't get me anywhere any faster. Other drivers live with different rules. The one time that it looked like the guy was going to get out of his car from some imagined slight, I held up my big ol' wrench, smiled at him and gave him the tsk tsk finger wag.

He left...burnt the red doing it. :rofl:

There's something about being in a car that makes people feel far more 'protected' than they really are. That often works, up to the moment that they actually get out of the car, or see you doing the same.
Hold up a wrench here and more likely than not the other
guy will point his gat at you.
Winky said:
Hold up a wrench here and more likely than not the other
guy will point his gat at you.
[singing] God Bless America...home of the Armed! [/singing]

Not here :shrug: :canada:
Winky said:
So you are behind the times

Give it time brotha
give it time...
I guess that I'd better get myself to a firing range and practice my defensive driving then? ;)