I'm movin' on up... to the East Side...


Well-Known Member
My work computer is a crappy-ass iMac from early 2000. It's got a screaming 300MHz processor, 256MB of RAM (128 of which is my own DIMM), a 6GB hard drive and a slot-loading CD-ROM drive that can't read through the smallest of scratches. It runs OS 9.2 (our version of Quark XPress won't run on OS X).

Well, there's a Mac G3 Server sitting in the computer room collecting dust, so I fianlly got the OK to take over that. So on Friday, when I don't have any pages I have to get done, I'll do the transfer. The G3 has a screaming 400MHz processor, 256MB of RAM and a 9GB hard drive. It's also got a better CD drive. Plus, since one of the DIMMS in the iMac is mine, I'll take it out and put back the 64MB it replaced, putting the iMac back at the 192 it had when I got hired here, then put my 128 in the G3 server to have 384. Couple that with the 19" monitor and I'll be cruisin'. :D

OK, so it's still a crappy computer but an upgrade is an upgrade.
Gotta be able to run the software. Otherwise I'd get a bit more RAM for the bedroom PC and take it to work.
abooja said:
Great, now I have the theme from The Jeffersons in my head. :rolleyes:

Better than "Face down, ass up" which is what I can't get out of my head :blank:
abooja said:
I don't know that song, but should try to learn it. :devious:

"Face down, ass up, that's the way I like to fuck"

It then goes on to say "Suck it, or fuck it, or leave it alone"
Professur said:
And people wonder why I don't let my kids listen to the radio

I don't really think they'd play this unedited on the radio...

*wanders away singing "face down, ass up..."*
Nixy said:
I don't really think they'd play this unedited on the radio...

*wanders away singing "face down, ass up..."*

That it was published in the first place isn't a problem in your view, tho?

Having freedom to publish what you want does not guarantee forcing the public to listen to your rantings/lyrics/craziness.
Having porn available & having porn on free TV during primetime is hardly equitable. (see the 40 year old boob at the SuperBowl frenzy)
Having a CD available for purchase a Sam's record world and having Hustler on a corner store's magasine rack is, tho.
Yep. That's why parents need to be involved with their kids. I can guarantee you that there's no pimp daddy whoring bitches CDs in my kids collection (there are several in mine though)

Since porn is an adult item, they're usually put behind something to keep the 12 year old fingers distant.
Gonz said:
Yep. That's why parents need to be involved with their kids. I can guarantee you that there's no pimp daddy whoring bitches CDs in my kids collection (there are several in mine though)

Since porn is an adult item, they're usually put behind something to keep the 12 year old fingers distant.

Yeah, but when's the last time you saw a music store that carded?