I'm off to SanFran in a week

Umm... there are the usual tourist spots like Pier 39 (souvenir shopping) and Alcatraz... a few piers up from pier 39 is the USS Pampanito, a WWII diesel-powered submarine... there's Nob Hill... if you like chocolate, there's Ghirardelli Square... there's the golden fire hydrant (legend has it that after the 1906 earthquake, that hydrant was the only one in the city that still worked, and it's still in service today and gets a new coat of gold paint every year)... there's a nice Maritime museum a little ways from Fisherman's Wharf... you could ride the world-famous cable cars... the Chinatown there is pretty decent, too.

Are you renting a car? If so, make sure it's an automatic unless you like self-torture. :D
I am sure, for enough money, she could find someone to do the job.

I think Inky was getting at the fact that unless she's male it's not necessary for her to have someone "pack her fudge" in order to get the full SanFran experience. Whereas if a male went to SanFran and didn't partake in such things he wouldn't be taking in the full experience (pun intended). :D
Not really going for either...I was just outlining what I think Inky meant and thenthe opportunity presented itself.
Be sure to get yer fudge packed while yer there honey.

yeah just dress up like a boy and hit 'the castro.'

i'd recommend "masa's" to eat at. i had a reservation there a few weeks ago which i ended up canceling because i didn't feel like tucking in a shirt for dinner. yeah i'm a loser. "two," sorta in the south of market area, is also a pretty cool place, fairly new. with a nice dive bar just north of there if you're into that kinda thing. "luna park," in the mission, is pretty good eats too. some cool little italian joints in north beach. chinatown is okay for a quick walk through, but if you stop to eat, you're getting all the parts of whatever animal you order.

for a change of pace of course you could hit "the stud and tranny shack," i forget exactly where that is... course i guess that gets back to... yeah...

don't bother with haight-asbury and stay way the hell away from golden gate park.

check out marin county, some cool views of the ocean there. carmel and monterey are always nice - 17 mile drive is cool in monterey, nice views. santa cruz is so-so but the coast hotel right on the beach is kinda nice. it's nice to drive down route 1 from SF to santa cruz.
I think Inky was getting at the fact that unless she's male it's not necessary for her to have someone "pack her fudge" in order to get the full SanFran experience. Whereas if a male went to SanFran and didn't partake in such things he wouldn't be taking in the full experience (pun intended). :D

FYI i've never been plooked and i was hatched in SF....
From there to Motor City & back to Seattle. No wonder you're so confused.

oh it gets worse. at age three dad's job took us to nowhere, kentucky. dad intentionally got a job elsewhere (detroit) when i was six because he "didn't want (me) growing up to be a hee-haw." and for that, i thank him immensely.
My dad moved me to Ontario when I was 2.5...and while I don't think it was specifically for my education and future it made my education much better and I ended up with many more options than I would have in Newfoundland...so intentional or not I say a silent thanks to him everyday.