I'm off to SanFran in a week

Gonz said:
It's one of the prettiest cities in the USA so just go see.

I agree.

We were there in March and did all the typical tourist things.
I liked the bus tour of the city. they pointed out some of the more interesting houses in the city plus where some well known movies were filmed. they also hit all the good views of the city.
Muir Woods just north of the city is nice if you like hiking through the woods. worth the ride to see redwood trees IMO.
we also drove down the Pacific Coast Highway all the way down to Monteray where there is a nice aquarium. fantasic views along the way.
oh it gets worse. at age three dad's job took us to nowhere, kentucky. dad intentionally got a job elsewhere (detroit) when i was six because he "didn't want (me) growing up to be a hee-haw." and for that, i thank him immensely.

Why? You sound like a 'hee-haw' to me...:D
I'm in vienna, austria atm but spent a week in frisco prior to our stay in munich. great place - loved the people, loved the tourist traps, great micro-brewery beers. The most amazing moment was definitely walking the golden gate bridge though. And if you have 'the fitness' I recommend climbing to coit tower via telegraph hill.
Anything for kids 5 and under?

There's a place called Fort Funston on some tall cliffs over the ocean where you can watch hang gliders take off and fly around. It's also apparently a popular dog walking area so there you'll see a couple hundred dogs on a short hike from the hang gliding area out to the actual fort.

Not that you want little kids near tall cliffs, but you don't actually need to get anywhere near the cliff edges.

I know 2Minkey said stay away from Golden Gate park but there's plenty of kid stuff there.

Go up to Twin Peaks for a great overview of the city, get your kids some interesting super cheap souveniers in chinatown, or if your not claustrophobic there's a tour of a submarine at Fisherman's Wharf and ferries to Alcatraz or around the bay from there.

I'll be up there for a few days next month to meet a friend from NY and see Zappa Plays Zappa.
Oakland county, where rednecks with too much money gather.

McComb county, where rednecks with not enough money gather.

Detroit, where nobody gathers.
Considering where you're from, tell us how shocked you are
by the ratty street people that infest SF.
it seems everyone has asthma but me ... are you asking 'cause of the smog?

I would guess that air quality is the reason he's asking yeah. I don't know the details of SanFran but around here there are days where the recommend people with breathing problems don't even go outside.
being from the Islands my guess is she's not used
to getting her air from a car's exhaust pipe?
It's astounding how much more difficulty I have breathing in places like Nashvegas than I do here. Then again, maybe it's not all that surprising...
The air quality in San Francisco isn't all that bad for a major city... all the smog it produces gets blown into the central valley, where it combines with the smog the cities there produce. Then it gets trapped by the mountains and bakes in the 100-degree temperatures.

I was actually asking because of your stay in Sequoia national park. Believe it or not, the air quality there is even worse than in the city of Fresno. That's because all the smog, specifically ozone, gathers up there. Plus, cars, etc. in the city make ozone during the day when it's hot... but help break it down at night when it's cooled off a bit. In Sequoia/Kings Canyon, there are cars to make ozone during the day but none to help break it down at night.

So for your time in the central valley and in Sequoia, make sure your inhalers are handy and well-stocked.
Thanks for the tip, Inky. I'll be sure to pack the kids' nebulizer!! The kids get asthma pretty bad here 'cause of the vog ... I wonder how differently the smog will affect them?