I'm so ashamed


molṑn labé
Staff member
Member Identification Card
(Fill in Gonzs real name here)

blah blah blah

International Brotherhood of Teamsters AFL-CIO

gawd help me, I've sinned
*puts on her Prof hat*

No, you've put aside your personal beliefs for the wellbeing of your wife and son. You are a MAN, not a sinner.

Did I get that about right Prof? :D
*points and laughs at Gonz.*

No. He's a sinner alright. Lemme know if you ever manage to find out where they buried Hoffa.
Professur said:
Lemme know if you ever manage to find out where they buried Hoffa.

Company rumor...the owner of our company was one of the last to see him alive
If I find out & tell you, I'll have to kill ya. It's in the contract
Who wants to start a pool on when Gonz files his first grievance?

I had a grievance filed against me within 1 month of being hired.

Hmm, can you grieve being forced to join a union?
Yes you can grieve being forced into a union... but you usually end up in a shallow grave before it reaches arbitration.
dont worry Gonz. that bitter taste of being forced to join something you dont want to will fade in time.
either that or you'll get used to it.
I drive around in circles, moving trailers in & out of the docks. Several times a night I go over to the GM assembly plant (literally across the street) so they can get parts they need to make pickups. I average about 17 miles day (well, night)
That actually sounds tougher than
running an inter-city route!

But it is like regular hours, holidays and weekends off, right?

So how’s it pay?
Winky said:
But it is like regular hours, holidays and weekends off, right?

So how’s it pay?

8 hours a day (some OT), 5 days a week, no weekends, paid insurance, great match on the 401, pay is crappy but tolerable for a city job. Using that google map thingy, you can see how much fun it is. It shows how many trailers is in our yard at any given time & it's a bunch.

Hey Hillbilly....bite me