I'm sorry


molṑn labé
Staff member
It appears I was once again incorrect in my assesment that common sense wasn't dead. It most certainly has reached room temperature.

A professor at the University of Oklahoma who ran afoul of the PC police four years ago is still paying the price, David Deming writes in the Oklahoman newspaper.

Deming, an associated professor of geology, says his troubles began in March 2000 when he published a letter to the editor criticizing a female colleague's claim that all gun owners are potential murderers. He wrote that if her assertion is true, then one could argue that her "possession of an unregistered sexual organ made her a potential prostitute."

The colleague filed sexual harassment charges against him that were eventually dropped.

Since then, he has written letters to local papers that were determined to be showing "contempt and resentment" toward the school. The letters were included in his personnel file in a situation he describes as "analogous to a professor stapling a student's political letters to his or her examinations."

Deming has had his classes yanked from him and been reassigned to an office in a small, dark corner of a basement because of his political views, he says.

School officials in Brattleboro, Vt., have voted to change a local high school mascot that some in the community have decried as a symbol of racism, reports the Rutland Herald.

The Brattleboro Union High School Board voted 8-1 to retire the Southern colonel-looking mascot by July 1 and to remove it from school products as budgets permit.

Speaking at a board meeting, local resident Leah Stuart called the vote "just the beginning in recognizing white pathology, white racism and superiority." The "pain and anguish of everyday life in this community" must be addressed with other measures as well, she said.

A bookstore at Michigan State University was vandalized by a horde of feminists angry about what they said was a degrading advertisement for the store, reports the State News.

The windows of Ned’s Bookstore were covered with graffiti saying "resist patriarchy" and "womyn unite."

The offending ad featured men walking down the street turning their heads at the sight of women coming toward them, as well as women fawning over the Ned's gorilla mascot. They have been pulled from the air and Ned’s has apologized.
This one deserves a special reward for stupidty run amock

Nitty Gritty

Police in Scotland have been issued new sensitivity guidelines that admonish them against using the phrases "nitty gritty" and "rule of thumb" because of their sexist and racist origins, reports London’s Sunday Times.

The guide also says to avoid the term "homosexual" because it stems from a 19th-century notion that gays suffered from an illness that required a pseudo-scientific label.

Nitty gritty is verboten because it is thought to have been used by slave traders to refer to remains at the bottom of the transport ships that were covered in lice and grit. "Rule of thumb" is sexist, the officers are warned, because it dates back to a law which said you could not beat your wife with an implement thicker than the thumb.

Male officers also are warned that referring to female colleagues as "one of the boys" is "not really appropriate, as "it implies that, only by behaving like men, can women be accepted by those men in their workplace."
oy vey

well ruole of thumb is false, so they can use that about, the others are also suspect, but I don't want to start looking it up.

you know with all there people being PC, I think we shoudl protest it being called PC, cause some people use Apples.
criticizing a female colleague's claim that all gun owners are potential murderers. He wrote that if her assertion is true, then one could argue that her "possession of an unregistered sexual organ made her a potential prostitute."


good one, i like the guy :D
:rolf: Paul

Gonz...where do you get these fab articles? Are you on the "Idiotic event of the day" email subscription?