I'm starting to experience what you guys feel

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Luis G

Staff member
It's been a long time since I understood your frustations, but now I'm starting to feel it.

We are starting to have a bunch of fucking chinese people, I tell you they are like a plague. Their ways just don't fit into our society.

To top it all, they open up stores selling chinese merchandise that is just pirated copy of traditional and artistic mexican pieces, leaving our own people with less income. :mad:
Assuming they become part of your society, learn Spanish, learn & follow the customs, it can be rich & rewarding. Assuming they don't, call in the troops.
No no no...you must start printing street signs and textbooks and government manuels in Chinese now. No more can you celebrate Cinco de Mayo, now you must embrace Chinese New Year instead lest ye offend. Your children are to be taught in school that Mexican ways, customs, heroes, and traditions are incorrect. Then flavio and Bobby Hogg will be your friends. And that's vital.

Don't try to deport them either, it infringes on their rights. Instead, you should allocate a portion of your paycheck to feed, clothe, house, and medicate these poor downtrodden souls. They can't help it if they're less fortunate than you are; you should be thankful for the opportunity to have them there because it certainly adds to the whole.
SouthernN'Proud said:
No no no...you must start printing street signs and textbooks and government manuels in Chinese now. No more can you celebrate Cinco de Mayo, now you must embrace Chinese New Year instead lest ye offend. Your children are to be taught in school that Mexican ways, customs, heroes, and traditions are incorrect. Then flavio and Bobby Hogg will be your friends. And that's vital.

Don't try to deport them either, it infringes on their rights. Instead, you should allocate a portion of your paycheck to feed, clothe, house, and medicate these poor downtrodden souls. They can't help it if they're less fortunate than you are; you should be thankful for the opportunity to have them there because it certainly adds to the whole.

Luis G said:
It's been a long time since I understood your frustations, but now I'm starting to feel it.

We are starting to have a bunch of fucking chinese people, I tell you they are like a plague. Their ways just don't fit into our society.

To top it all, they open up stores selling chinese merchandise that is just pirated copy of traditional and artistic mexican pieces, leaving our own people with less income. :mad:

You should be pleased that people from another country think yours is worth coming to live in.

No one is forcing you or anyone else to buy pirated copies, or anything at all, from Chinese shops, if you good-hearted people feel it is harming your own community.
SouthernN'Proud said:
No no no...you must start printing street signs and textbooks and government manuels in Chinese now. No more can you celebrate Cinco de Mayo, now you must embrace Chinese New Year instead lest ye offend. Your children are to be taught in school that Mexican ways, customs, heroes, and traditions are incorrect. Then flavio and Bobby Hogg will be your friends. And that's vital.

Don't try to deport them either, it infringes on their rights. Instead, you should allocate a portion of your paycheck to feed, clothe, house, and medicate these poor downtrodden souls. They can't help it if they're less fortunate than you are; you should be thankful for the opportunity to have them there because it certainly adds to the whole.

Should Chinese people not be allowed to celebrate their own customs? Tell me, what American holidays are there exactly that have been done away with in order to accomodate immigrants?

Maybe you should stop celebrating Halloween and St. Patrick's Day in the USA, since you stole them from us and raped all meaning from them.

Deporting legal immigrants is an infringement of their rights. They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen, which is probably more beneficial to the Mexican economy than Americans flooding in every year as tourists and reducing it to a service-based economy where local culture is bastardised for the sake of tourist dollars.

I would suggest that your's is the attitude of a person who doesn't really know what his own culture is, what defines it, and thus you are paranoid of those who have a defined culture. I see it all the time in Northern Ireland. The culture of those who see themselves as British is massively paranoid of the Irish identity because the only defining quality the British have here is that they are not Irish, and thus they can only celebrate the subjugation of Irish people.

Ironically, they complain about their own culture being under threat from the one they would wish to destroy.

I put it to you that your only personal cultural identity lies in trampling down other cultures, as has been the defining aspect of white, Anglo-Saxon colonisation of the Americas.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SouthernN'Proud again.
Immigrants that come here legally, at least make an effort to learn the language, get a job and contribute = GOOD
Immigrants that come here, usually illegally, refuse to learn the language and draw welfare checks and monthly stipends on their food stamp debit card = BAD
It's not where you come from, it's your (un)willingness to obey the fucking law, and extend the same cultural tolerance you so vocally demand.
Bobby Hogg said:
Deporting legal immigrants is an infringement of their rights. They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen
The illegal immigrants that come here don't. The ones that actually come here for work are paid in cash because they don't have social security numbers. These payments are under the table, because the businesses that hire illegals can get in some really deep shit if they get busted. Maybe the worker might get deported, but for that, I reference a joke from a Cheech and Chong movie, where Mexicans in America get married and then call La Migra for a free trip to Mexico for their honeymoon... and they'll be back next week anyway.
Bobby Hogg said:
Maybe you should stop celebrating Halloween and St. Patrick's Day in the USA, since you stole them from us and raped all meaning from them.

I celebrate neither as it is.

They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen, which is probably more beneficial to the Mexican economy than Americans flooding in every year as tourists and reducing it to a service-based economy where local culture is bastardised for the sake of tourist dollars.

At least you're positive of what you're saying.

Never been to Mexico either, so I haven't flooded them with anything.

I would suggest that your's is the attitude of a person who doesn't really know what his own culture is, what defines it, and thus you are paranoid of those who have a defined culture.

Have you read anything I ever posted here?

I put it to you that your only personal cultural identity lies in trampling down other cultures, as has been the defining aspect of white, Anglo-Saxon colonisation of the Americas.

Yeah. That's what I'm all about. Your amazing acumen is truly startling. When is it you get that Nobel again? I wanna be there for the presentation.
Naming my source
Inkara said:
Bobby Hogg said:
Deporting legal immigrants is an infringement of their rights. They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen

In case you don't understand, Luis is a Mexican, living in Mexico, complaining about immigrants infiltrating his culture, not ours.
Gonz said:
Naming my source

In case you don't understand, Luis is a Mexican, living in Mexico, complaining about immigrants infiltrating his culture, not ours.

I understood fully. Every rebuttal here to my post has been absolute waste. Do better. You're becoming lazy right wing drones.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I celebrate neither as it is..

Good for you. Do you object to their celebration, however? They are Celtic/Irish festivals, you obviously should.

SouthernN'Proud said:
At least you're positive of what you're saying.

Never been to Mexico either, so I haven't flooded them with anything.

I don't want to make definitive comments, as the starter of the topic offered absolutely no context whatsoever, just vaguely racist comments about how he doesn't like Chinese people.

SouthernN'Proud said:
Have you read anything I ever posted here?.

Yes. For the most part, it has been latently racist rhetoric interpersed by whining about irrelevancies to do with PCism. Maybe I haven't been here long enough to "enjoy" your best work.

SouthernN'Proud said:
Yeah. That's what I'm all about. Your amazing acumen is truly startling. When is it you get that Nobel again? I wanna be there for the presentation.

I call a spade a spade (non-PC term, you should be suitably impressed). You have offered nothing, while I've been here, but xenophobia and latently racist attitude.
Bobby Hogg said:
You should be pleased that people from another country think yours is worth coming to live in.

No one is forcing you or anyone else to buy pirated copies, or anything at all, from Chinese shops, if you good-hearted people feel it is harming your own community.

You think so huh?, then why is every country so worried about the cheap products from China (specially textiles)?

Bobby Hogg said:
Deporting legal immigrants is an infringement of their rights. They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen, which is probably more beneficial to the Mexican economy than Americans flooding in every year as tourists and reducing it to a service-based economy where local culture is bastardised for the sake of tourist dollars.

We're better off with the tourists than with people gaining a market for products that:
1) are not manufactured here,
2) and many of them are imported illegaly and thus don't pay custom clearence.
Luis G said:
You think so huh?, then why is every country so worried about the cheap products from China (specially textiles)?

Nothing to do with immigrants. More to do with free trade and globalism. I agree this is a huge problem, but that is the problem with capitalism. I think it's sad traditional Mexican weavers and manufacturers may be run out of business, but to suggest that is due to Chinese immigrants is ridiculous.

It's due to Nike et al.

Luis G said:
We're better off with the tourists than with people gaining a market for products that:
1) are not manufactured here,
2) and many of them are imported illegaly and thus don't pay custom clearence.

If you don't approve of them, don't buy them. Simple as.
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