I'm starting to experience what you guys feel

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And you gathered from that I refer to Chinese people as "poor, downtrodden."

Maybe you should go and have a quiet word with yourself.
Bobby Hogg said:
And you gathered from that I refer to Chinese people as "poor, downtrodden."

Maybe you should go and have a quiet word with yourself.

And perhaps you should learn to express yourself better in your writing skills. That was your quote, not mine.
Gato_Solo said:
And perhaps you should learn to express yourself better in your writing skills. That was your quote, not mine.

One in which I never expressed any sentiments about Chinese people being poor or downtrodden. So how you gathered that from it is beyond me.

I was referring to SouthernN'Proud suggesting that Americans have had to sacrifice national customs or holidays for the sake of immigrants. All I am really asking, for anyone who says "if you come here you should learn our customs and culture" is what exactly defines "American" culture? Does SouthernN'Proud even know what his own culture is? Why should it be under threat from anyone else, unless they are actively trying to murder you?

Learning the language is a reasonable request, yes, but not everyone is capable of that however hard they try.
Bobby Hogg said:
but not everyone is capable of that however hard they try.

As it happens, everyone is capable of learning another language if they try. The mind works in essentially the same way regardless of what culture you were raise under. The nuts and bolts of language can be very different, but the underlying structure of all languages is the same (you know, nouns, verbs, adjectives and so forth). I'll grant you that it's a lot harder for someone raised in China and only exposed to their languages (you were aware they have more than one?) to learn English tthan it would be for someone from a germanic language country. Anyone can though, with enough effort.
Bobby Hogg said:
Learning the language is a reasonable request, yes, but not everyone is capable of that however hard they try.

If they can't they shouldn't come in the first place.
Luis G said:
If they can't they shouldn't come in the first place.

I have to agree there. Places I've gone to just visit as a tourist, I try to learn some of the basics to get around. People seem to appreciate it and I'm only there as a tourist. If you're coming to live here, learn the language. I've heard too many immigrants complain that people in the stores and service industries don't speak to them in their preferred language. it's not up to them what language is spoken to them.
Gato_Solo said:
You, my 'friend', are the worst type of racist. It's people like you who hold them back, and you don't even realize it.

Its so nice to see that I am not the only who feels this way. :swing:
Bobby Hogg said:
One in which I never expressed any sentiments about Chinese people being poor or downtrodden. So how you gathered that from it is beyond me.

The Bolded sentences said:
Deporting legal immigrants is an infringement of their rights. They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen, which is probably more beneficial to the Mexican economy than Americans flooding in every year as tourists and reducing it to a service-based economy where local culture is bastardised for the sake of tourist dollars.

I would suggest that your's is the attitude of a person who doesn't really know what his own culture is, what defines it, and thus you are paranoid of those who have a defined culture. I see it all the time in Northern Ireland. The culture of those who see themselves as British is massively paranoid of the Irish identity because the only defining quality the British have here is that they are not Irish, and thus they can only celebrate the subjugation of Irish people.

Ironically, they complain about their own culture being under threat from the one they would wish to destroy.

I put it to you that your only personal cultural identity lies in trampling down other cultures, as has been the defining aspect of white, Anglo-Saxon colonisation of the Americas.

So...tell me without the condescending tones you accuse me of...What do you get from the sentences in bold?
Apparently, he has no rebutal because he realizes that he is defeated and most have got his number. I also find it funny that since he accomplished to get a mod and some other members panties in a twist and ran off someone that has been on this board for a year he all of the sudden isn't posting anymore and arguing with every damn post in this section of the board.

Gee, wonder what his purpose was here? :confused:
AllEars' said:
Apparently, he has no rebutal because he realizes that he is defeated and most have got his number. I also find it funny that since he accomplished to get a mod and some other members panties in a twist and ran off someone that has been on this board for a year he all of the sudden isn't posting anymore and arguing with every damn post in this section of the board.

Gee, wonder what his purpose was here? :confused:

Now, now. Let's not poke at closed wounds. Besides. Your hubby can come back whenever he pleases.
Gato_Solo said:
So...tell me without the condescending tones you accuse me of...What do you get from the sentences in bold?

Exactly what they say. It's hard not to be condescending when the words and sentences I used were perfectly clear. Maybe you should take some English lessons.

Instead of highlighting random sentences, why don't you (as I have asked you to do a couple of times now) tell me how that post refers to Chinese people as "poor, downtrodden" in any way.
AllEars' said:
Apparently, he has no rebutal because he realizes that he is defeated and most have got his number. I also find it funny that since he accomplished to get a mod and some other members panties in a twist and ran off someone that has been on this board for a year he all of the sudden isn't posting anymore and arguing with every damn post in this section of the board.

Gee, wonder what his purpose was here? :confused:

Sometimes I don't go on the internet at all for days, even weeks, at a time.

I hope you're happy that I took the effort to repeat myself though, yet again.

I ran no one off. If people cannot handle being disagreed with, perhaps they should grow up.
Bobby Hogg said:
Blah blah blah.

flavio said:
Yack yack yack.

Stopped by to see if Romper Room had been discontinued yet due to lack of newness.

It hasn't.

Carry on. See y'all when the collective mentality rises back above third grade.

(Oh, and BH...don't flatter yourself. It ain't you or your shadow.)
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