I'm starting to experience what you guys feel

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Bobby Hogg said:
If you don't approve of them, don't buy them. Simple as.

No, we deport illegal immigrants, give orders to the army to shot anyone trying to cross our borders illegaly and be done with it. Simple as. ;)

Of course, that will never happen.
Luis G said:
No, we deport illegal immigrants, give orders to the army to shot anyone trying to cross our borders illegaly and be done with it. Simple as. ;)

Of course, that will never happen.

Maybe they are not illegal.
in other words... maybe they are or aren't illegal, that doesnt matter in terms of the cheap stuff they're selling.
it's like the problems Germany has with foreigners setting up shops and bringing down the surrounding areas, making them seedy and undesirable. it happens. it happens here, too. foreigners will set up a shop and sometimes the way they run it really brings the area down. it's happening in mexico, as luis mentioned.
it doesnt matter if they're illegal or not.
i dont think it's as much who they are, as it is what they're doing.
ash r said:
in other words... maybe they are or aren't illegal, that doesnt matter in terms of the cheap stuff they're selling.
it's like the problems Germany has with foreigners setting up shops and bringing down the surrounding areas, making them seedy and undesirable. it happens. it happens here, too. foreigners will set up a shop and sometimes the way they run it really brings the area down. it's happening in mexico, as luis mentioned.
it doesnt matter if they're illegal or not.
i dont think it's as much who they are, as it is what they're doing.

Again, it's easy not to buy it.
Whatever happened to "When in Rome..."

It's the major thing I have against some who immigrate (legally or ill). You're moving to another land, learn the language and the customs. I would if I were moving to yours.
When in Rome look for the attache to your countries adjunct advisor & (s)he'll point out the places where you can act & feel as if you never left home ;)
It has come to my attention that I am stepping on the wrong toes around here.

Apparently, it's OK for me to be called a racist every time I turn around, but not OK for me to reply or sling equal mud back.

I've had enough. It ain't worth it.

Most of you people know better. The rest never will.

To those of you with the intelligence and insight to see past the recent double standard, farewell, I will miss talking to you.

The rest? Enjoy your new pets. Just hope they don't pee on the carpet.
Bobby Hogg said:
I don't want to make definitive comments, as the starter of the topic offered absolutely no context whatsoever, just vaguely racist comments about how he doesn't like Chinese people.

That totally slipped by...but now that you mention it, yes, I don't like them, BUT I don't dislike them because of their race I just don't like what they are doing.

And I still hate more the argentinans. ;)
SouthernN'Proud said:
It has come to my attention that I am stepping on the wrong toes around here.

Apparently, it's OK for me to be called a racist every time I turn around, but not OK for me to reply or sling equal mud back.

I've had enough. It ain't worth it.

Most of you people know better. The rest never will.

To those of you with the intelligence and insight to see past the recent double standard, farewell, I will miss talking to you.

The rest? Enjoy your new pets. Just hope they don't pee on the carpet.

Slightly dramatic, don't you think? Why don't you grow up and discuss things like an adult. I really don't see what your problem is with being challenged on your opinions.
Bobby Hogg said:
Should Chinese people not be allowed to celebrate their own customs? Tell me, what American holidays are there exactly that have been done away with in order to accomodate immigrants?

Maybe you should stop celebrating Halloween and St. Patrick's Day in the USA, since you stole them from us and raped all meaning from them.

Deporting legal immigrants is an infringement of their rights. They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen, which is probably more beneficial to the Mexican economy than Americans flooding in every year as tourists and reducing it to a service-based economy where local culture is bastardised for the sake of tourist dollars.

I would suggest that your's is the attitude of a person who doesn't really know what his own culture is, what defines it, and thus you are paranoid of those who have a defined culture. I see it all the time in Northern Ireland. The culture of those who see themselves as British is massively paranoid of the Irish identity because the only defining quality the British have here is that they are not Irish, and thus they can only celebrate the subjugation of Irish people.

Ironically, they complain about their own culture being under threat from the one they would wish to destroy.

I put it to you that your only personal cultural identity lies in trampling down other cultures, as has been the defining aspect of white, Anglo-Saxon colonisation of the Americas.

You, my 'friend', are the worst type of racist. You don't even know how condescending that attitude is. The 'poor downtrodden' you speak of aren't as downtrodden as you believe. It's people like you who hold them back, and you don't even realize it.
Gato_Solo said:
The Chinese. That's why it was in quotes...:rolleyes:

What about the other part of the question: what are you even talking about?

I didn't say a single thing about the Chinese being poor or oppressed.
Bobby Hogg said:
What about the other part of the question: what are you even talking about?

I didn't say a single thing about the Chinese being poor or oppressed.

But you implied it.
Bobby Hogg said:
Should Chinese people not be allowed to celebrate their own customs? Tell me, what American holidays are there exactly that have been done away with in order to accomodate immigrants?

Maybe you should stop celebrating Halloween and St. Patrick's Day in the USA, since you stole them from us and raped all meaning from them.

Deporting legal immigrants is an infringement of their rights. They probably pay their taxes like any other good citizen, which is probably more beneficial to the Mexican economy than Americans flooding in every year as tourists and reducing it to a service-based economy where local culture is bastardised for the sake of tourist dollars.

I would suggest that your's is the attitude of a person who doesn't really know what his own culture is, what defines it, and thus you are paranoid of those who have a defined culture. I see it all the time in Northern Ireland. The culture of those who see themselves as British is massively paranoid of the Irish identity because the only defining quality the British have here is that they are not Irish, and thus they can only celebrate the subjugation of Irish people.

Ironically, they complain about their own culture being under threat from the one they would wish to destroy.

I put it to you that your only personal cultural identity lies in trampling down other cultures, as has been the defining aspect of white, Anglo-Saxon colonisation of the Americas.
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