Imaginary states, districts, and the jobs saved or created

Where is the information from that you are relying on to make these statements?

Biden talked about it in an interview yesterday.

The money has to be somewhere, perhaps an investigation will find out where.

There's no indication that there's any money missing. Just that a few people put incorrect district numbers on their forms.

I like the kneejerk to drama though.
The worlds largest slush fund.

So where are the Trillions going?
Shirley you don't believe they aren't being stolen.
Re: The worlds largest slush fund.

So where are the Trillions going?
Shirley you don't believe they aren't being stolen.

No, not being stolen. A few people put incorrect district numbers on their forms.

Somehow that makes money disappear and be untraceable! Oh Noes!!! Teh drama!
Yup the guys that are stealing these funds
don't talk about it, I sure as hell wouldn't.
The theft isn't imaginary, the money is real.

There isn't an indication in your mind
therefore it isn't happening.

Whew that's a load off of my mind, thx.
Re: The theft isn't imaginary, the money is real.

There isn't an indication in your mind
therefore it isn't happening.

There's no evidence that money is missing. Just fantasy crap in the minds of the fear mongerers.
Theft on an unimaginable scale.

Yup it’s them vaunted fear mongers again.
Guess this is really like the 200 million dead Iraqi’s
It really doesn’t matter to me personally
the debts this administration is running up
will all be absolved in the bankruptcy proceedings
of the United States government, of course then
we will all be living like Palestinians and be confused
which direction to aim our rockets.
Re: Theft on an unimaginable scale.

Yup it’s them vaunted fear mongers again.
Guess this is really like the 200 million dead Iraqi’s
It really doesn’t matter to me personally
the debts this administration is running up
will all be absolved in the bankruptcy proceedings
of the United States government, of course then
we will all be living like Palestinians and be confused
which direction to aim our rockets.
Wait 'til China has deeds on our nationalized lands.

I hope you don't owe money on your house.
Empty debt, it's backed by nothing. The US Government is the biggest land holder in the US, there aint enough gold...... whatever will they back the dollar with?
The Outstanding Public Debt as of 20 Nov 2009 at 12:47:11 AM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 307,318,099
so each citizen's share of this debt is $39,159.81

Just wait until National Healthcare kicks in