
phunny thing aboot a 'melting pot'
the dross is on the bottom
and the good stuff rises to the top...
Gonz said:
The author of this piece is prefering immigrants adapt to their new home...not demand that their new home adapts to them.

BINGO! This is my view exactly! If you need Friday afternoons off for religous reasons then get a Sunday-Thursday job...don't DEMAND Fridays off because it's "for a religous reason" yeah...certain holidays won't be an "official" holiday and if you need them off for religous reasons that's fine...but when it's the same day EVERY week then find a job that fits your schedule, don't try to force a job to fit it. I wouldn't be any LESS wrong for my mom to try to demand time off on Sundays for church because she took the job KNOWING she would have to work two sundays a month...I like how Canada can ACCEPT other cultures and not force them to change...but what I DON'T like and will NOT stand for is when people of other cultures come here and start demanding special treatment and exceptions to the rules!
Gonz said:
Quite an overreaction there Boy Wonder. The author of this piece is prefering immigrants adapt to their new home...not demand that their new home adapts to them.

1939 hated all things not German.

We Stand On Guard For Thee" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan.. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women.......on Christian principles.............
founded this nation..... and this is clearly documented.

their new home of relegious freedoms? Sounds like this guy has a hate on for all things not the germans had a hate on for all things not german.

immigrants do adapt, but at the same time they bring stuff too, new foods, new cultures etc. makes life more interesting. as to a guy who can't work friday afternoons, well while I think he should make an arraingment to make up or those hours, also think why for the longest time everything was closed on sundays.
paul_valaru said:
their new home of relegious freedoms? Sounds like this guy has a hate on for all things not christian..

While it's possible this guy could become a murderer in the name of's a greater possibility he's Christian & see's that the founders of his country had christian values & it ends there.
Gonz said:
While it's possible this guy could become a murderer in the name of's a greater possibility he's Christian & see's that the founders of his country had christian values & it ends there.

sounds to me like he wants every one to live like a good christian, to hell with diversity. (funny enough it was that attitude that made the pilgrims leave england).
to hell with diversity. you're all Canucks. the minute the hyphens come out, the trouble starts.
Gonz said:
to hell with diversity. you're all Canucks. the minute the hyphens come out, the trouble starts.

said nothing about hyphens, just respecting others beliefs. I have no problem with a mountie wearing a turban. What if I wanted to wear a yamuka and my bosses said not too. If I prayed on saturday instead of sunday.

we are all canucks, and I think we should be proud of our diversity, that is what makes the country great. All these people who are against immigrants, who bring their ways and peices of where they came from with them should remember if we get rid of all immagrants all we are left with are native americans. People who are saying adopt our christian ways whould remember those christian ways where brought over on a boat.

Yes they can't have everything, no sharia laws etc. but as long as they follow the laws of the land, let them dress, eat, pray however they want.
Yeah go on and respect their truck bombs
and their 7th century fanaticsim

until it is too late
paul_valaru said:
Yes they can't have everything, no sharia laws etc. but as long as they follow the laws of the land, let them dress, eat, pray however they want.

Which is exactly what the article says.
Gonz said:
Which is exactly what the article says. says "We
are happy with our culture and have
no desire to change, and we really
don't care how you did things where
you came from.
This is
our land, and our lifestyle.

Basically...either become just like us or leave!
paul_valaru said:
said nothing about hyphens, just respecting others beliefs. I have no problem with a mountie wearing a turban. What if I wanted to wear a yamuka and my bosses said not too. If I prayed on saturday instead of sunday.

I'm not getting into the moutie debate but I am asking you...what about a job where you're required to wear a hardhat? Don't you think if someone who wears a turban takes said job they should be required to modify their turban so the hardhat can fit over? Since it's a matter of safety. Or, if you wanted to pray on Saturday don't you think that you should take a job where Saturday was not a scheduled day to work? Instead of demanding time off EVERY Saturday for "religious reasons"?
So bish basically what yer sayin' is:

I'm gonna profess mah proud heritage to a bunch of loin-cloth wearin' savages
not to the white man that came and brought this land into the 21st century?
stolen from Winky in the RW

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
I'm an immigrant. Let's just get that out of the way.

Immigrants don't leave places because everything's hunky dory at home. They leave because of persecution. They leave because there's no food, no jobs, no hope. They're looking for a beter place. A better way.

Well Sunshine, what the hell did you think made this place a better place than where you were? If everyone here did things exactly like you did at in your old country, it would be exactly like your old county, no? It's called the big picture. Doing things that you did when you were poor there will keep you poor here. What didn't work there won't work any better here.

That said, we didn't leave because we were poor. Dad was well educated, and earned a damn good wage. We were well housed, well fed. Why did we leave? Call it the explorer spirit. We wanted to see new things, new places. So we crossed an ocean, and lived with new people, speaking a strange language. A language we learned. Customs we learned. And we added ourselves to those people. We didn't give up ourselves. We added them to us, and us to them, and we were all the better for it.
Well an immigrant should have the right to speak his native tongue and require his new country to learn his language and adopt his religion affording special rights to him because of his religion and allow his children to burn up 5,000 cars and raid warehouses and superstores at will and make the country he moves into illegally just like the 3rd werld cesspool he left.