In a grocery store...


Staff member
...what is the one item you find hardest to locate??

For me it's bacon bits...can never find the buggers!
Shake'n Bake (when I don't have the necessary spices to make a coating from scratch)

*or if at work "the one thing Costco is currently out of ,but the Member has driven 20miles ,specifically to purchase that item."
I always seem to have trouble finding the packets of spagetti seasoning. I really think they keep alternating between putting them with the noodles and putting them with the tomato paste. I'm fairly certain they do this just to fuck with me.
breadcrumbs........u'd think they would be where the bread is-never are though.
Oh and an OOzie (spelling?), you know for those ppl that piss you off in the parking lot and then your in the same isle at the store with them and they don't even apologize, so you stand there giving them cocky looks.... :D
You know...I never did find the bacon bits yesterday...I was directed to some itty bitty packs of real bacon enough for one or two salads...for like $4! I wanted the simulated ones and they never did get located...I can NEVER remember going to look for bacon bits and finding them with ease...
My store has bacon bits in our spice rack, same size bottle as all the other spices for 99 cents (or less when they're on sale which is pretty often) and certainly enough for several salads, but I dunno about the grocery store.
Stop Laughing said:
My store has bacon bits in our spice rack, same size bottle as all the other spices for 99 cents (or less when they're on sale which is pretty often) and certainly enough for several salads, but I dunno about the grocery store.

Oh, I checked the spice racks...none to be found *shakes fist at grocery store*
If they're on sale for like 59 cents again (50 cents with my discount), want me to send you a case of 12? We've got too many bacon bits at my store anyways.
Stop Laughing said:
If they're on sale for like 59 cents again (50 cents with my discount), want me to send you a case of 12? We've got too many bacon bits at my store anyways.

But the shipping would make it cost just as much as those damned over priced "real bacon" bits prolly!
Stop Laughing said:
The case is lighter than a paperback children's novel and smaller than a 6 pack. Then again, it is international...

and 50cents American for one bottle is like...ten bucks Canadian or something :lloyd:
Stop Laughing said:
The case is lighter than a paperback children's novel and smaller than a 6 pack. Then again, it is international...

Goog luck shipping foodstuffs via UPS etc... Its a nono. I tried to send a bottle of soda pop to California and they wouldn't take it,but they never questioned why a package containing a HD sloshed when moved. :shrug:
I second the motion on the bacon bits. I think the stuff crawls off the shelves and moves at night.

My second peeve is trying to find diced pimento.
A.B.Normal said:
Shake'n Bake (when I don't have the necessary spices to make a coating from scratch)

*or if at work "the one thing Costco is currently out of ,but the Member has driven 20miles ,specifically to purchase that item."

I thought of you when I went into Fortinos today...I was reading the signs for the aisles trying to guesstimate where the pickles would be and one of the aisles actually had shake and bake listed :D