In a grocery store...

Also fun was when the night crew would get sloppy and cut open boxes that specifically said right on them not to cut them open. I don't know how many times I had to clean it up when bags of pasta with slits in the side from the box cutters would make a big mess.
I'm allowed to grocery shop. It's laundry I'm not allowed near. I mean, when the missus was staying at the cottage all summer, I was supposed to go up once a week with all my dirty clothes for them to be washed up there. Hell, one summer, arrangements were made by both the missus, and my mother for other people to do my laundry. I'd get phonecalls from women, wanting to know if I had clean underwear for the morning.

Break the washing machine once ......
Professur said:
I'm allowed to grocery shop. It's laundry I'm not allowed near. I mean, when the missus was staying at the cottage all summer, I was supposed to go up once a week with all my dirty clothes for them to be washed up there. Hell, one summer, arrangements were made by both the missus, and my mother for other people to do my laundry. I'd get phonecalls from women, wanting to know if I had clean underwear for the morning.

Break the washing machine once ......


Did you atleast KNOW those women?
Oatmeal bars. They aren't with the cereals, they aren't with the chocolate bars, they aren't with the cakes... so where the hell are they? I've found them with the canned foods, with the jello mixes...everywhere but where it seems the most logical to put them. :shrug:

I do 100% of the grocery shopping..then again, I cook 80% of the time (100% when MrsBish is pregnant and for the first 6-8 months afterwards). I know what we're missing and where to get the decently priced meats, veggies and fruits.

MrsBish and i agreed that I would shop for groceries after an argument where she'd opened every food flyer that came to our door and sent me flying to 4 grocery stores to save a grand total of ~$4.00

After the 2 1/2 hours of driving around, standing in line and finding the food (if there was any left - 'cause it was on sale)...I must've burned more than $5 in gas and didn't get a chance to finish some around the house stuff (mowing the lawn, vaccuminig and working the garden).

She came around to my way of thinking. Get the groceries over and done with fast because anything else is a waste of my time and our gas.
Oh...and supper was late too, so she got to deal with a grumpy and tired kid while I saved us pennies with coupons.

Blech!! Coupons :p
MrBishop said:
Oatmeal bars. They aren't with the cereals, they aren't with the chocolate bars, they aren't with the cakes... so where the hell are they? I've found them with the canned foods, with the jello mixes...everywhere but where it seems the most logical to put them. :shrug:

I do 100% of the grocery shopping..then again, I cook 80% of the time (100% when MrsBish is pregnant and for the first 6-8 months afterwards). I know what we're missing and where to get the decently priced meats, veggies and fruits.

MrsBish and i agreed that I would shop for groceries after an argument where she'd opened every food flyer that came to our door and sent me flying to 4 grocery stores to save a grand total of ~$4.00

After the 2 1/2 hours of driving around, standing in line and finding the food (if there was any left - 'cause it was on sale)...I must've burned more than $5 in gas and didn't get a chance to finish some around the house stuff (mowing the lawn, vaccuminig and working the garden).

She came around to my way of thinking. Get the groceries over and done with fast because anything else is a waste of my time and our gas.
Oh...and supper was late too, so she got to deal with a grumpy and tired kid while I saved us pennies with coupons.

Blech!! Coupons :p

At least it's not cases of ramen noodles.....
I made solemn oath mere minutes after my college graduation that I would never, ever, eat Ramen noodles again. No matter what.

I've stuck to it too.
I hereby bequeath whatever portion of that hellish substance that may have been appropriated to me unto thee, Nixy. Live long and prosper.
MrBishop said:
Oatmeal bars. They aren't with the cereals, they aren't with the chocolate bars, they aren't with the cakes... so where the hell are they? I've found them with the canned foods, with the jello mixes...everywhere but where it seems the most logical to put them. :shrug:
Check next to the fruit snacks.

As for ramen noodles... for some reason, I like ramen a lot better in cup-o-noodles form than top ramen form. I don't know why the noodles seem to come out different, but they do.

I bought 11 chicken-flavored Top Ramen packages about half a year ago because they were 9¢ apiece, and I've eaten one of them.
Add Cheez Whiz to the's not with the peanut butter/jam, it's not with the ketchup/bbq sauce/mustard/salad dressing, it's not with the chip dip, it's not in the dairy section with the cheese slices (I never expected it to be there but that would be more logical than where it was...). It was...ready for this? On the TOP shelf by the CRACKERS. Not another sauce/spread in sight...:blank:
MrBishop said:
Oatmeal bars. They aren't with the cereals, they aren't with the chocolate bars, they aren't with the cakes... so where the hell are they? :p

And why are the breadcrumbs not with the bread? :alienhuh:

Not to mention the bathrooms-can never find the bathrooms! :D
Inky: I indeed had to be VERY "KRAFT-y", I ended up having to ask two different people. The first sent me to the peanut butter aisle and the second told me EXACTLY where it a DIFFERENT aisle.

BOP: It's FABULOUS on banana bread...and I made banana bread yesterday :D