In a grocery store...

A.B.Normal said:
Goog luck shipping foodstuffs via UPS etc... Its a nono. I tried to send a bottle of soda pop to California and they wouldn't take it,but they never questioned why a package containing a HD sloshed when moved. :shrug:
Water cooled system. ;)
A.B.Normal said:
Goog luck shipping foodstuffs via UPS etc... Its a nono. I tried to send a bottle of soda pop to California and they wouldn't take it,but they never questioned why a package containing a HD sloshed when moved. :shrug:

UPS has no problem shipping non-perishable food-stuffs. Don't you mean the USPS? Fed-Ex next-day air would be your best shipping option, anyway. ;)
i'm not allowed to do the food shopping, so i guess finding the supermarket is hardest for me... :retard:
no shoplifting. i hate going to the supermarket so i forgot to get a few things. bought a few wrong things. got too many spicy things. voila. no more food shopping.
Spot said:
no shoplifting. i hate going to the supermarket so i forgot to get a few things. bought a few wrong things. got too many spicy things. voila. no more food shopping.

Ingenius, man. Very ingenius. I'll explain, so BoP isn't confused.

1. Men don't like shopping. Give us a list, don't mention brand names, and stay out of the way and we're fine.
2. If we, as men, want to avoid the hassal, we'll do one, some, or all of spot's 'accidents' to avoid it. Most times, it's completely sub-conscious. We don't know we did it until we get home, and hear " forgot the Roma tomatoes again! You'd forget your head if it wasn't attatched. I swear I'll never let you go shopping again."

After that, we're free to return to watching sports/mow the lawn/monkey around with the car. You know...manly things. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Ingenius, man. Very ingenius. I'll explain, so BoP isn't confused.

1. Men don't like shopping. Give us a list, don't mention brand names, and stay out of the way and we're fine.
2. If we, as men, want to avoid the hassal, we'll do one, some, or all of spot's 'accidents' to avoid it. Most times, it's completely sub-conscious. We don't know we did it until we get home, and hear " forgot the Roma tomatoes again! You'd forget your head if it wasn't attatched. I swear I'll never let you go shopping again."

After that, we're free to return to watching sports/mow the lawn/monkey around with the car. You know...manly things. ;)
You do realize you will be shot on sight at the next Man Association of the Free World meeting, don't you?

Jeez, next you'll by saying we intentionally bleached their new pants.
PT said:
You do realize you will be shot on sight at the next Man Association of the Free World meeting, don't you?

I'm going to the desert again this winter. Think I care? :grinno:

PT said:
Jeez, next you'll by saying we intentionally bleached their new pants.

I have no problem doing laundry. It gives me about 90 minutes of free time per load. Figure 30 minutes for each load in the wash, and 60 minutes for each load in the dryer. Shopping, OTOH, can take hours if done the way the wife wants it done. Before the engagement, I could do a weeks shopping in less than 30 minutes. Now that we're married, it takes her 2 hours...and that's if we get everything at one place. God forbid the Commissary is out of something, and we have to go to an off-base supermarket. :eek:
Gato_Solo said:
Now that we're married, it takes her 2 hours...and that's if we get everything at one place. God forbid the Commissary is out of something, and we have to go to an off-base supermarket. :eek:
2 hours in a grocery store? What the fuck? She eat dinner while she's there?
I'm banned like spot. Women seem to be better at buying the boring stuff. I tend to come back with interesting bottles of olive oil that have a vine of sun dried tomato in it and DVD's. My girlfriend will say "Did you get the washing powder" "no" I say "but I did by these minature birthday cakes" :D
I'm with Gato. Regardless of what she actually intends to buy, my wife must go up and down each and every supermarket aisle (probably more than once) to see "what's on sale." Oh, and there's ecidently some obscure rule about reading the label on at least three items in each aisle...
I will buy groceries, but I will not go grocery shopping with her.
Gato_Solo said:
I'm going to the desert again this winter. Think I care? :grinno:

Before the engagement, I could do a weeks shopping in less than 30 minutes. Now that we're married, it takes her 2 hours...and that's if we get everything at one place. God forbid the Commissary is out of something, and we have to go to an off-base supermarket. :eek:

Back to the sandbox eh?

2 HOURS? Holy hell! It takes my mom and I 30-45min to do the shopping...and we DO check labels and compare calories!! Yesterday it took us two hours cause we were shopping for two houses (I moved back to Hamilton and needed EVERYTHING)'s was $300 of groceries and I was STILL blown away that it took 3 hours!
Nixy said:
Back to the sandbox eh?

2 HOURS? Holy hell! It takes my mom and I 30-45min to do the shopping...and we DO check labels and compare calories!! Yesterday it took us two hours cause we were shopping for two houses (I moved back to Hamilton and needed EVERYTHING)'s was $300 of groceries and I was STILL blown away that it took 3 hours!
Hope the milk, eggs and ice cream were the last things you grabbed.
I do 90% of the cooking, so I also do the grocery shopping usually. I let me loving spouse purchase her own feminine products, cuz I be damned if I'll take the bitching when, not if, I fail to get the right thing.

Every store I go into keeps the Sweet-Lo in a different place. I use it in m'coffee, so it's a must have item.
...and the whole chicken, too, so the poor store utility clerk doens't have to follow your trail up and down every aisle cleaning up the blood droplets from the chicken package.
Inkara1 said:
...and the whole chicken, too, so the poor store utility clerk doens't have to follow your trail up and down every aisle cleaning up the blood droplets from the chicken package.

Thats why we supply plastic bags for Members to put their meat purchases into ,prior to walking around the aisles.
That's standard practice; I worked at a warehouse-style discount grocery store for a summer and I once had to clean up a trail of chicken blood despite the presence of the bags. I re-traced the customer's steps, from the back of the store, up through each aisle. I could see where they stopped to buy something because there would be a few drops in close proximity or a small puddle.