In Contrast -- history is set to repeat.


Well-Known Member
Morning in America vs Mourning in America

We're about to come full circle.

From Republicanism to Communism in a mere 18 months. Obama should be able to set himself up as dictator before the 2012 elections.
History Repeating you can bet your ass on that!

I think the sheen has worn off the Messiah thing
and the imam thing really isn't playing well in Peoria
even if one of his moosie brethren manages to get a
crude nuke into a shipping container and detonate
it in New York Harbor we’ll never stand for Osambo
taking over like Hugo Chavez did.

Wow I bet Echelon picks up on this post
and we are all frog marched off to FEMA camps
by tomorrow night!

Propellerheads - History Repeating (ft. Shirley Bassey)
So bishy, i think you're wrong about Rass. They seem to be most accurate pollster out there.

Obama is still drowning.


From Republicanism to Communism in a mere 18 months. Obama should be able to set himself up as dictator before the 2012 elections.

oh please. do you want to be taken seriously, or are you going to be fully content with hyperbolic pissing and whining from here on out?
oh please. do you want to be taken seriously, or are you going to be fully content with hyperbolic pissing and whining from here on out?

Pan your window to the top, look at the upper left portion of the screen, and read what it says.

Then, stop complaining.
BH Obama said:
My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody

In Context