My vehicles are both antiquated, but paid for. I'm currently livin' under the roof of my brother, who's very charitable an' unwillin' to see me rather live under cardboard, downtown.
The total of my assets an' accounts is somewhere in the $5,000.00 range, more or less, dependin' if all the patrons of my garage sale felt really generous.
Reality check, after next week I'll still owe 'bout $500.00 on my Fiance's ring. An' $200.00 to my children's private school tuition, (legal obligation)
Even after all charitable contributions an' my $50.00 in savings totaled, though I live paycheck to paycheck, I still count myself fortunate to have my children an' my sweet little woman, an' my friends an' family to love me! I still have a job so far, an' a full' in spite of all, I couldn't be happier!
We're lookin' for a house though, an' not exactly excited 'bout $75,000 for 30 yrs, at 6-7.8%, but at least it will be "our" home!
