In the spirit of fun...

IPH - did you type in 'Insert Penis Here' ???

Cos if you did, then that's kinda........well.......

the spanish word for fox is "zorro" or "zorra"

zorra also means "a slutty girl"
OMG, I've got the same name as a comedy troupe out of Earlham (wherever they are)! :eek: They don't have very interesting pics, though. Here's their main page with the pic that came up on Google. I also got a lot of images of Brak from Space Ghost in my search. :confuse3:

I appeared! :headbang:


images.jpg, 3.34kb

Stop Laughing said:
Shadow, were you using the Google goat finder instead of the image finder again? :D

LOL, that's the first thing I thought too. Maybe he has Google set up to filter out all non-goat-related content.

Interesting if there is actually a goat called MuFu. Seems like a better name for a cow, really. ;)