in your dreams


New Member
so watcha dream last night?

i dreamt that i was at work, my sister-in-law & nalani were there. we were talking about stuffs. that's about all i remember before the baby woke me up :sleep:
I don't remember my dreams anymore. Haven't for a few years now. I think I still dream, cause my wife says I talk in my sleep sometimes, but I just don't remember them at all.
I don't usually remember them unless they're nightmares. Have those once or twice a month. Last one had me waking up in bed realizing I left both front and back doors open. I walked to the front entrance first, and as I stepped into the foyer a woman grabbed my head while a man tried to pin my arms. I was apparently getting mugged. :rolleyes: Somehow I wriggled out of their grasp and ran out the door down the street. Don't remember anything else. When I woke up the first thing I did was check both front and back doors. :lol:
I remember i never really slept, i was just slipping in and out of consciousness and tossing and turning the whole night, it felt like forever.. 'Twas a hellish night. :(
i had a rough one yesterday...i dreamed i spent over 10 hours in a bouncing truck with 2 mewling cats....wait......nevermind.....i guess that wasn't a all seriousness i don't usually remember my dreams and i think i like it that way.
I had a really horrible nightmare last night. I was in my advisory, and I was sitting in the third row. Then suddenly *the brick wall* walks in and sits directly ahead of me. I was mortifled. He didn't belong here. I tried so hard to scream "Get your nerdy, skinny twig ass out of here!!!!" in his face. (It was unlike the other nightmares where I scream at him and he leaves) He turned around and started talking to me in a nice way. It seemed surreal. Then one of my old english teachers walks up to us and asks him if me and him were together. He smiles and says yes, and he kisses the old english teacher on the cheek. He looks back at me and starts talking nicely. I still couldn't move or talk, all I wanted was to run. A bell rings, and I finally get up and start running. As I went in the hallway it seemed like the whole school had turned white, and it didn't look like Central at all. Also, I was the only one who was in the hallway. No one was following me, so I got out the front door, and for some reason, I start climbing on the side of the wall up a floor. I try to open one of the windows then a person opened it for me, and my nightmare ended.

I'm really glad that nightmares are only in your sleep
I know that I dream, and I sometimes awaken from them..but unless I keep a note-pad and pen next to my bed to take note, I rarely remember them.

I've had a few odd ones where I didn't wake up but my wife did when I pinned her to the bed and damn near hit her. She woke me up and I mumbled something about getting in a fight with Kareen Abdul Jabar. Odd that...I don't even watch basketball. :p
I don't remember mine from last night but a reoccuring (sp?) is one where I awake from a normal night sleep and go outside and talk to a neighbor (who I've actually dont have) and realize when I turn on the TV that everyone is mentally challenged (not retarded just stupid) and that I'm the only one who actually is what we'd call normal. Then they want to put me in a mental ward because I was born above average and they chase me around the streets on foot while I mow them over with a car and I hit so many of them that I have to keep switching cars because like GTA my cars about to explode.

Is this just saying something about my general frustration of the not interested if it doesn't have something to do with me kind of ppl that surround me or what?
I dreamt that I was put into this alternate reality thing... and all of my friends came and attacked me and eventually killed me...

fun huh? *coughnotcough*
I dreamt I was discussing with a teacher about my thesis, then he told me to talk to another student that is working on a similar subject, but when i get to my cubicle it is gone :eek:
Hmm, don't remember last night's dream, but I've had some weird ones. I dreamt that our store got remodeled and a whole crew was brought in to help me move all of the departments in the store around, and it was getting weird, cereal and detergent were together in a 12 foot section near the pharmacy.
I think that's a sign you've worked at Walgreen's too long. Speaking of which, want to move to California? They're opening a new one about a block away from me.

As for my dreams, I think I've remembered two or three dreams in the past decade.
Every commercial boat captain I have ever known (myself included) has dreamed that they were driving their boat down the highway.
Had a helluva weird one last night. Dreamt I was at some ghoulish theme park with friends I haven't seen since primary school. Went on one of the rides - I think it had something to do with a dragon, more to the point, being inside one..........can't remember what happened next, but when I got out into the sunshine again I noticed my big toe was throbbing (looked like a heart pumping) and stuff began oozing from under the nail. Eventually there was a puddle of muck around my foot and it just kept on going.

Quite gross really, got me worried about my foot though, 'cos I bumped my toe on Saturday & the nail lifted on the one side, I think it may be infected because it is a bit swollen and red, but now this stupid dream has had been checking the damned thing the whole morning to see if there's any fluids coming out of it :rolleyes:
Luis G said:
I dreamt I was discussing with a teacher about my thesis, then he told me to talk to another student that is working on a similar subject, but when i get to my cubicle it is gone :eek:

Awwww poor on the brain. :winkkiss:

Only remember the scary ones myself, you know which ones I mean, "Wake You Up Kind", and then hard time falling back asleep.
Sharky said:
Every commercial boat captain I have ever known (myself included) has dreamed that they were driving their boat down the highway.
:eek: i used to remember my dreams....and i've had that one....okay, so i wasn't at the helm...but i was manning the rails down the south padre island highway.
Strange, now last night, I remember a dream.

I've got three dogs, pics are up here somewhere, anyway, I was sitting on my front porch and my three dogs come running up to the house Lassie style, I knew they wanted me to follow them. So I follow them around the corner of the house and here are at least 15 puppies, all playing and rolling around in the yard. So I look at Cappy, he's the oldest of them, and say "Are these yours?" He nods his head and looks embarrassed. (Yes, they are dogs. Yes, I know what an embarrassed dog looks like.) So we now have 18 dogs.... That's about all I can remember, except I swear I can still smell the puppy breath.
Last night was a dream that I had to fill the stunt-artists' role for an upcoming movie because they had a tight schedule to meet and needed help. Something about a car wreck and jumping from an airplane. Somehow it moved to creating a demolition derby track in my backyard and then locking up all the world's leaders in it listened to them scream for help from the US. They wanted funding to keep ice cream machines working in their countries. :alienhuh:

PuterTutor said:
"Are these yours?" He nods his head and looks embarrassed.