Indicting the President...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
If you do that, then you might as well put all Congressmen involved with voting for the use of force on that piece of paper as well. I consider this stupidity at its highest form.
I didn't know local municipalities could indict on international war crime issues, 'spose its in their local statutes?.
If you do that, then you might as well put all Congressmen involved with voting for the use of force on that piece of paper as well. I consider this stupidity at its highest form.

Ignorance, feeds your belief Gato.... But since those are deaf ears, and this is really not my main point anyway....

If the congressmen were hip to the alleged conspiracy (that I personally believe in) that allowed Bush to start this war, then those congressmen should indeed stand beside him at the trial. The fact at issue here is that not one of us relative "nobodies" here can say with any absolute convincing certainty exactly what took place. We all have our various beliefs and theories about what happened, but in matters of such great import and shrouded in such secrecy it' takes a LOT of investigation to get at the truth.

The truth is out there, but too rigidly held beliefs are for too powerful things for it to be easy to see.

If he's so innocent, why are some of so fearful of him standing trial?
^ The above, may honestly be the most exactly true piece of writing on politics that I have ever written. I consider it my finest work, because while you all know where I stand on the issue at hand, I honestly don't believe there is any valid argument proving why I am "wrong" there.

This is all assuming we are only looking at the second line to the last. The thing about Gato is just my belief, obviously.
pot to kettles said:
Ignorance, feeds your belief Gato

pot to kettles said:
But since those are deaf ears

pot to kettles said:
If the congressmen were hip to the conspiracy (that I personally believe in) that allowed Bush to start this war

pot to kettles said:
Still that's nothing more than a SLIGHTLY, somewhat educated WILD guess about someone I know NOTHING about really. Top that off with that since I don't know her it's none of my god damn business in the first place, and it's rude of me to speak ill of someone I don't know at all anyway

Pick a belief structure already, willya?
Pick a belief structure already, willya?

[dealing with SnP]I asked for a counter argument. Obviously you don't have one, and/or perhaps don't possess a high enough IQ to give it serious thought.

Obviously your IQ is at least average since you are capable of spending some time bouncing from thread to thread gathering some out of context quotes to make your non point, but all you've done is pushed you agenda, and looked rather simple and shallow in trying to do so.

Every time I debate with you, I am so underwhelmed it's not even funny, so I just won't. Keep trying and maybe someday you'll be able to think like an intelligent well balanced adult, but I highly doubt it.[/dealing with SnP]


Have a very pleasant day, sincerely, -MITD
Oh if you only knew.

Far be it from me to part the haze though. Trudge on, savior of the misunderstood. We bow before your superior...something...

*experiment over, back in the hole with you*

[sound effect]gavel[/sound effect]
On the bright side though SnP, there has, up until now, only been two people who've actually been able to make me dislike them. Congratulations, you have made the grade, and will henceforth be known to me as "#3". Enjoy your new job, and title as "third best", because it took the other two a whole lot less time to accomplish this difficult task, even if it's really only because I have given you, WAY more leeway, because of your job.

"Shall the Selectboard instruct the Town Attorney to draft indictments against President Bush and Vice President Cheney for crimes against our Constitution, and publish said indictment for consideration by other municipalities?"

I'd be all for it. Here, let me help....

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power...
To declare War,

Authorization for Use of Military Force (Enrolled Bill)



(b) War Powers Resolution Requirements-

(1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution.

(2) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER REQUIREMENTS- Nothing in this resolution supercedes any requirement of the War Powers Resolution.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice President of the United States and

President of the Senate.

(a) AUTHORIZATION.—The President is authorized to use the
Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary
and appropriate in order to—
(1) defend the national security of the United States against
the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.
C-Span pdf copy


Well, damn...looks like the Constitution got followed after all.
how could anyone take a guy wearing a red beret seriously?

^ The above, may honestly be the most exactly true piece of writing on politics that I have ever written. I consider it my finest work, because while you all know where I stand on the issue at hand, I honestly don't believe there is any valid argument proving why I am "wrong" there.

and there's very little to support anything you've said in the affirmative, either. oh, hold on, you haven't said anything in the affirmative.

maybe we can all get over the thing we used to do in 4th grade math, you know, the problem everybody always liked because you could simply say "there's not enough information to solve" instead of burdening our math-lazy minds with calculation.

but at least you're fulfilling the crucial role of evaluating the basic intelligence of other board members.
On the bright side though SnP, there has, up until now, only been two people who've actually been able to make me dislike them. Congratulations, you have made the grade, and will henceforth be known to me as "#3".

Congrabulations SnP! ;) New members are always welcome!