Indicting the President...

how could anyone take a guy wearing a red beret seriously?


It's not red.

It's a raspberry beret. The kind you find in a second-hand store...:D
For most of us, yeah thats the usual course.... but for others....they use a different methodology of reason.

Occums vs. Achmeds

*I kill you infidel*

Once again...the term 'infidel' is supposed to be reserved for pagans and atheists...according to the Koran...Christians and Jews are supposed to be called "People of the Book"...also from the Koran.
Once again...the term 'infidel' is supposed to be reserved for pagans and atheists...according to the Koran...Christians and Jews are supposed to be called "People of the Book"...also from the Koran.

OK, ... but 'people of the book' is just not as fun to say. :glasses3:

And Infidel has such fun linguistics when you toy with it. :banana: ....and its a good catch all
Actually, we all screwed it up. It is actually Ockham's razor and Occam's razor is a variant.

Oc·cam's razor (ŏk'əmz) Pronunciation Key
n. Variant of Ockham's razor.

So much for lexicology.
both are accepted spellings, and either is listed as the "variant" depending on which blurblet you read on the intarweb. my post had one of those spellings, which i originally encountered in a philosophy text. your original mention was "ocham." not a correct spelling.
My point, and the only one I think even matters, is that I tried to convey, fairly unsuccessfully, I might ad; is that I think it's spot on. I also think it's a novel concept. It is also something that should, and needed to be done, because one of the worlds worst criminals in it's history is at issue here.

Even if I am wrong about my hunches and opinions, about the case and how it should go if it ever got tried, if you think it's stupid Gato, then you either are too ignorant, of who and what Mr. Bush is and what he represents, that you are not able to think "outside the box" (your own belief system "box" in this case), and even begin to look at this objectively, or it's you sir, who is just plain stupid. Either way I am sure your intelligence is at least average, from my limited knowledge about you, but stupidity and intelligence are not at all the same thing.

I personally, and sincerely wish you a nice day Gato.
given the overwhelmingly coherent content your recent spree of posts, mark, it seems that you are perhaps the only one here who truly "gets it."

are you currently accepting students?
given the overwhelmingly coherent content your recent spree of posts, mark, it seems that you are perhaps the only one here who truly "gets it."

are you currently accepting students?


All humor aside, 2minkey that's exactly correct, but not in any way you are perceiving it. If I come off pompous, condescending and egotistical in the Real World forum, then so be it, but it just ain't my problem, it's yours, and frankly I don't give a crap anyway. The fact is, that that just isn't who I am, and if any of you knew me away from here you'd "get it" in the way that it truly is. If you took the time to try and understand the meaning behind the posts, you might also "get it".

What you all don't "get" is my writing style and my vain attempts at trying to get you guys to "get it" and the "get it" I refer to is, just get "me".

You see in the RW forum. I have a lot of passionately held opinions and feelings and beliefs. I have a wealth of information that supports those beliefs. I also am a mere human being with the common failing that I desperately want to be "right" about it all. But you see, the truth it that I have a far from complete set of facts to draw conclusions from, and I am so small and insignificant in a "global politics" kind of way that I probably will never know anything someone else didn't tell me.

Well I am a realist, and a skeptic if I am anything. I know what I know, believe what I believe, and want to be right. I live life and do my best. But I am intelligent enough to know that some things "feel true" and I trust that too, but I also know that if it can't be proved to me personally by direct involvement, I may believe, but as for "knowing" I don't and neither does anyone else here.

So what you see of me in the RW, is a lot of PASSIONATELY held beliefs, and a writing style, and what you perceive based on that is what you truly don't get, and I keep wondering why you try. It's just Cerise that I finally asked the question. Inversely, why to I have such a perverse need to share my opinions and ideas here and try to convince you I am right? I really don't know, other than it amuses, and I can practice my writing style and exercise my mind so it stays sharp since I am not in school where I should be.

In a more direct way what I asked Cerise was, if she is so sure I am wrong about my political beliefs then why should she ask about them? Everyone knows what Bush is accused of, everyone knows my opinion on the matter, so why try to understand what you already know? She is just trying to bait me into some meaningless debate so I get bent out of shape over it (or so I appear to anyway), and we can all have fun with that, isn't that the whole point of this forum? This time I just didn't bite is all. I have already told her I will not debate her so I just asked why pursue the argument she seems to want, when I have already said I won't give it to her?

The reason I wouldn't give it to her in all honesty is it would for sure get so ugly one or both of us would likely end up banned and I don't want that. My "reality" and political beliefs vs. hers is as epic as good vs. evil and I KNOW which side I am on and which is which, but I won't entertain a war like that.

Is it any clearer now?

I am about to drop a BOMB in this place and I promise you it will never be the same again. Stay tuned.
One more thing. I have no dislike for Cerise whatsoever. I believe her political leanings to be perhaps, the worst case of "drinking the kool-aid", that I have probably ever encountered, but noting personal about it. Nothing personal at all, I am sure if we could stay off the topic of politics and look for what he had in common, we could probably have coffee and a pleasant chat together. Don't know if I'd like her unless I met and talked to her in a social setting and we stayed off the topics of politics and religion. You see I am a lot like James Carville, in that I could be friends with someone of the opposite view and be OK with that, but I doubt I could marry someone so revolting politically like her did.
mark, the reason nobody "gets" your "writing style" is that you really don't construct anything coherent. you just claim this absurd depth of though, with no supporting evidence. it's not that EVERYONE ELSE HERE SIMPLY ISN'T SMART ENOUGH TO GRASP YOUR BRILLIANCE.