*in the interest of redemption*
mark, take me off ignore and let me know you did. I have a PM I want you to read.
Y'all call me what you will, but I have to do this. Once.
ONE LAST HURRAH AT LONG POSTS, for old times sake!
SnP, you stupid egotistical bastard! Did you think I was lying when I say I have "
never used the ignore feature, except, once on SnP, like for five minutes
just to see how the feature worked? I am NOTHING if not RIGOROUSLY honest as much as I am able to be! I got it, I did NOT read it. It was all true (from reading like two of the firsts sentences of each paragraph). I NEEDED it, Thanks for giving it, and fuck you for assuming you had just done me some grand favor and told me something I didn't know already.
In your defense (yes, me defending your jackass move of trying to HELP, your "enemy", by proving that you to have done what I did a different way and came to the same place on the other side of that....).
If you couldn't see that the epiphany culminated just recently and only really started to culminate on the morning of the 30th, has put me in that "place" the WE are in, though via very different paths, IS JUST NOW my reality. And it all happened in the space of just over 48 hours after 24 years of failed attempts, then perhaps you need your own advice as bad as I did.
Yes I have been a little "insane lately". I won't begin to defend it. I also still, have more of the story to tell and all of the rest of my life to tell it. I need a break. I ain't leaving like I used to do when this place became too much off me, but I am now able to MODERATE, my usage of this wonderful corner cafe in cyberspace that I have been ADDICTED to. I found the key to that without giving it up altogether in these past two days. It's so simple it shocked the hell out of me when it dawned on me.
Ya see, I am a person that NEEDS an addiction active in my life to be happy at all. But I found the only one that can benefit me and still be an actual "active addiction", and still be positive. For me, it's 12 step programs. I have a LOT of self improvement to do, quietly on my own, and not shouting to all of you about it all, but I realized this in the course of 2 days of "divine intervention", as I see it to see the whole larger picture of the epiphany I have just now has at age 38. I just turned figuratively "18" 20 years after I should have. If that's not an excuse for my behavior off late it is an explanation and implied apology to you and everyone else if it annoyed them. But the bottom line is I STILL don't give a fuck what you think, and the only the only big difference is now I know were are all the same in that way, somehow or another. I just had and episode and I need to eventually write a short story of it and post it all in one non offensive story and y'all will like it and not be annoyed and of that I am sure because it was "cosmic" and crazy and wild and no way it was "coincidence" and....
And it took just 48 hours to digest after 20 years of searching for it. I stand here a "changed man" and all the better for it. I am not unique, special, better than anyone. I am the same as everyone, just different, but over the past six months, I have been regurgitating what a long strange trip it's been to "here", in my own way, "publicly journaling", it here on OTC for MY OWN benefit, and Immortalizing it on the internet and just plain old "groin' up".
I tried to write this back to ya SnP, Thank you, for being so egotistical as to think you needed to tell me
everyone has this struggle in some way or another, but we ALL need to be reminded of that occasionally and obviously SnP, you needed to remind yourself of it, and though, you mistakenly thought it was me who needed that it was
really you.
It was me who needed it too though, but for me, having just come to the realization you were trying to help finish bringing me to, it was only "symbolic" and a subconscious message from you, to you, that YOU need it too. I had JUST realized it, thats how I KNOW what you were saying when I have not read it yet!
So I wrote the rebuttal once, and posted a thread, cuz I KNOW you had me on ignore, and Leslie came along and deleted it! So this is version two, I asked her via PM if I could get version one back so I can send it to you, but rest assured this "spiritual awakening I've just now had, is
permanent It is more than anything a lot of HARD SATISFYING WORK, figuratively, "getting myself a job, and buying myself a life", but now I know, realistically, what I want, all the work and mini goals I have to hurdle to get it, and I have a vision and
I will attain it,
or I will stick a needle in my arm one more time, and at least figuratively commit suicide the choice it mine.
I am a changed man, I need a break from this place but this time I am not leaving, but just "going private with my insane journaling"....I just needed this place publicly to do it for a while as part of my path to get
"here". Please take ME off ignore SnP, and I swear you'll never want to put me there again, no matter our political differences, or triple your money back sir!
You do whatever you want as I know you will anyway, I's just that I'd like the honor and privilege of trying to "get to know you" in some small way, and not in a "political forum" because those views of mine have not changed and politics is not for discussion among civilized peoples for social occasions.
Peace out peeps and just to show I "get it"
I am sorry you fucking pricks, now stop telling me what I already know and I will TRY to do you the same courtesy....
Fuck you ALL very much, and at the same damn time...
Is some sick, but beautiful way, I love you ALL, each in some unique and wonderful way, now that I am fully
"awake", and know the task at hand, today is my last day off, and tomorrow, I begin work on year two of my permanent clean and sober life. Wish me well, I know you do, and thanks....
*PS NO more LONG posts for a while to come, of that I promise you it's over! And SnP, when I get the chance I'll read the PM, and thanks again....*