Indicting the President...

If I come off pompous, condescending and egotistical in the Real World forum, then so be it, but it just ain't my problem, it's yours, and frankly I don't give a crap anyway. The fact is, that that just isn't who I am, and if any of you knew me away from here you'd "get it" in the way that it truly is. If you took the time to try and understand the meaning behind the posts, you might also "get it".

Thats very close to the philosophy about world politics I hold.

Who cares what Mexico thinks, WE American Citizens want a fence, build that sucker SUPER-SIZED, deport the illegals that don't follow the rule of US law.

Iraq, rebuild that sucker too

Iran, let them choose the course, we already told them OUR choices.

Screw the corrupt UN; WE are the United States of America, WE make our own choices, NOT them. Talking is fine, but screw their demands of America until the world equally bear the burden of the UN, we are the big dog on the block.

Whats good for our nation may not be whats good for thiers, but that just ain't our problem.

.. I wonder if you hold your philosophy true to out independant nation?
It's just Cerise that I finally asked the question. Inversely, why to I have such a perverse need to share my opinions and ideas here and try to convince you I am right?

You're only a pawn in the game of life? :shrug:

I am about to drop a BOMB in this place and I promise you it will never be the same again. Stay tuned.

Just like a Swiss watch. ;)
because one of the worlds worst criminals in it's history is at issue here.

Do you actually have the audacity to elevate GWB to the same status as Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot, Idi Amin Dada, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Nicolae Ceausescu, Daniel Ortega, et al? And those are just some of the world's worst criminals in the last century yet you proclaim GWB to be "one of the worlds worst criminals in it's [all of Earth's] history".
I don't know about A-Rod... at least he's produced some big numbers for his big contract. Carl Pavano is much more of a criminal... getting mega millions and pitching poorly when he's pitching at all.
mark, the reason nobody "gets" your "writing style" is that you really don't construct anything coherent. you just claim this absurd depth of though, with no supporting evidence. it's not that EVERYONE ELSE HERE SIMPLY ISN'T SMART ENOUGH TO GRASP YOUR BRILLIANCE.


Again, what part of "I couldn't give less of a fuck than I do", do YOU not get?!?

It's not about my brilliance or greatness or your imaginary image of "who and what I am". It's about me trying to communicate thoughts to people I don't physically know and have them understand what I try to convey.

I am a good writer in some matters, but all I am trying to convey is my thoughts and how I feel about some issue, and nobody EVER "gets it". I could count on one hand the amount of times any of you get it! You do get some gist of it and then form some wild guess at what I meant based on your personal slant of you own slightly warped perception of what I said. All that is based on your past life's experiences, current circumstances and outlook on life, but the bottom line is you are not me therefore you have to really try hard to "get it". The other edge of that sword is that you are all trying to aim the same thing back at me, and I consistently fail to "get it", but I would bet that nowadays, I "get it" a higher percentage of times than 9 of 10 of the rest of us here do, because I sincerely try. That is not connected with IQ, or any other factor, it is only proportional to one's ability, and WILLINGNESS, to hypothetically put them self in another's shoes.

In the final analysis, words are VERY blunt and subjective tools for communication that are always in a state of evolving flux. I don't even EXPECT you to get it! I only wish you'd either sincerely try or else don't bother, not just pretend to try and then try and body slam my position anyway.
The funny thing about all that is: The responsibility of the communication falls upon the orator, not the victim.

"Again, what part of "I couldn't give less of a fuck than I do", do YOU not get?!?"

...followed by a qualifying essay....?

*oh the its brain pain again* :eek8:
I.Q., is IRRELEVANT, concerning one's station or success in life! If you don't believe me, go play dope dealer in the big city smart guy and see how far you get. Then, come back and tell me what intelligence has to do with life? (provided you can even SURVIVE the experience) Some have it, some have less. The POINT is, that we all have gifts, always different but almost always equal, in the final analysis, and one that I have in abundance is intelligence, for all the good it has done me in life thus far. In order to understand that, you must understand that, intelligence, minus, wisdom, equals "useless trivia". in essence. My "wisdom" is warped by the disease of addiction, but I have FINALLY, found, and accepted the answer to the equation of me leading the life I can up to my potential.

SnP, can spout his BULLSHIT, about what an idiot I am all day long but it won't make it true. Worse yet the more he does it the less I care because it's him looking like the dumb hick he is (no offense, but maybe not in so many words, but SnP, you have called yourself that) :grinyes:

The FACT of the matter is that my I.Q. is approximately 150. No am an NOT going to go out of my way to prove that because, I have no need to, as I could again not give less of a fuck what you think about it, because like it or not, it is a fact. Believe what you will about that fact, draw any conclusion you like. It is also a proven fact that success, and IQ are not linked, in any way whatsoever! Intelligence is merely a tool, I posses that can, POTENTIALLY, help me create success.

What I am, is a dope fiend, who found recovery, Via the Twelve Steps. My education is follows: A dizzying blur of about 15 some odd schools in my childhood, till 10th grade, while my parents played, "we want this house, no this house, no this house....", which is a TERRIBLE thing to do to a child growing up if it can be avoided, but I bear them no ill will for it.

I dropped out in 10th grade, got a GED with ZERO study and was 90th percentile in just about everything, save for math, where I could have gotten in the 90s if I wasn't slow with figures in my head, and it was a timed test.

After that the community college, where I took my GED, started trying to seduce me into giving them my business, and I did. I embarked on a two year course of study, to become a certified CDC. I was one quarter and one internship, away from certification, when I decided, "Hmmm, Me, I wonder if we could try our hand at "social meth smoking" (I'd only tried snorting a line once in my life and didn't see what the big deal was before), so I can get me some of this, hot piece of pussy, I always wanted?"

That woman was a "sick, evil, whore, vampire, thief, junkie, with a, nice piece of ass, and SERIOUS, talent in bed", kind of chick. In about six months she helped me destroy my life entirely in about 1998. I thought I loved her, but I still think about her and hope she made it out, because under the disease, I saw her beauty.

During that whole 2 years in college, I attended lectures and wrote papers. Combined I MAY have spent 40 total hours in actual study. I am gifted with a memory like a steel trap if I am interested in the material. I would have graduated with a 3.7GPA.

So believe what you, will but all the rest of what I know, I leaned in three places: The first is right here in cyberspace, sifting through useless knowledge, for bits of gold.

The second, is the school we all attend, but only, to the extent in which we refuse to learn it's lessons. The University of "Hard Knocks" and "Trial and Error", where I majored in "slacking off", the most painful, but inversely, most educational course of study, that they offer there.

The third place is where I attend now, and will the rest of my days, it's sometimes known as "Wilson-Smith University", or commonly known as A.A. It is bar far the best school yet!

So, all I can really leave you with, is, Happy New Year to ALL of you!. May it Bless you ALL with ALL that I wish for myself!


The funny thing about all that is: The responsibility of the communication falls upon the orator, not the victim.

"Again, what part of "I couldn't give less of a fuck than I do", do YOU not get?!?"

...followed by a qualifying essay....?

*oh the its brain pain again* :eek8:

You didn't get it either, but I don't care RM.

What I am doing here so y'all are clear on this, is BURNING TIME, practicing written communication, and SEEMING to fail miserably, but I am also trying to convey the hardest thing one can attempt to convey in nothing but words.

I am trying to convey, is who I am, what I have done that makes me, who and what I am, and gives me, the opinions I have, and thats ALL. I ain't playing no popularity contest game. Just practicing my wring skills, killing time, and enjoying myself.

There is no agenda, no expectation of "changing the world", no belief that I can change your mind, only a sincere desire to say, "Hi, my name is Mark, I am an addict, and a cool guy, this is who I am, and this is what I have done that made me what I am. I hope you like it because, I want to like you, but lets just talk and see what happens OK?" Most of all though, and perhaps most importantly, I am totally just about, 99% "being myself", in all dealings with this place

It's really just that simple, have I even came close to creating some clarity?
Does it mean I don't get it if I quit reading this drivel about a week & a half ago?
*in the interest of redemption*

mark, take me off ignore and let me know you did. I have a PM I want you to read.

Y'all call me what you will, but I have to do this. Once.
I haven't read much from Mark lately either. My eyes glaze over when I see posts that long. We all used to give JJR shit for really long posts too.
Please try to see the following as constructive criticism and not just a slam.

What I am doing here so y'all are clear on this, is BURNING TIME, practicing written communication, and SEEMING to fail miserably, but I am also trying to convey the hardest thing one can attempt to convey in nothing but words.

But then you write something like this:

The truth is out there, but too rigidly held beliefs are for [far] too powerful things for it to be easy to see.

and claim:

The above, may honestly be the most exactly true piece of writing on politics that I have ever written. I consider it my finest work, because while you all know where I stand on the issue at hand, I honestly don't believe there is any valid argument proving why I am "wrong" there.

This is all assuming we are only looking at the second line to the last.

If you are working on your writing skills, why not try this:

The truth is out there; but rigidly held beliefs are so powerful that they are not easily seen.

It says the same thing; and the semicolon sets off a clause which taken by itself forms two complete sentences (The truth is out there. Rigidly held beliefs are so powerful that they are not easily seen.) but by themselves have little meaning. (The truth about what? What beliefs?)

The use of the word "too" when referencing words which already imply force (rigid, powerful) simply clutters the sentence.

The word "things" can be discarded because those "things" are already in the reader's head as "things" without having to be told so.

Even given your orignal sentence, using your words, removing the words "too" and "things", and correcting punctuation, it would read better thusly:

The truth is out there; but rigidly held beliefs are for [far] too powerful for it to be easy to see.

Try to work on structure, reducing the number of words, eliminating excessive adjectives and adverbs, and punctuation.
*in the interest of redemption*

mark, take me off ignore and let me know you did. I have a PM I want you to read.

Y'all call me what you will, but I have to do this. Once.

ONE LAST HURRAH AT LONG POSTS, for old times sake!

SnP, you stupid egotistical bastard! Did you think I was lying when I say I have "never used the ignore feature, except, once on SnP, like for five minutes just to see how the feature worked? I am NOTHING if not RIGOROUSLY honest as much as I am able to be! I got it, I did NOT read it. It was all true (from reading like two of the firsts sentences of each paragraph). I NEEDED it, Thanks for giving it, and fuck you for assuming you had just done me some grand favor and told me something I didn't know already.

In your defense (yes, me defending your jackass move of trying to HELP, your "enemy", by proving that you to have done what I did a different way and came to the same place on the other side of that....).

If you couldn't see that the epiphany culminated just recently and only really started to culminate on the morning of the 30th, has put me in that "place" the WE are in, though via very different paths, IS JUST NOW my reality. And it all happened in the space of just over 48 hours after 24 years of failed attempts, then perhaps you need your own advice as bad as I did.

Yes I have been a little "insane lately". I won't begin to defend it. I also still, have more of the story to tell and all of the rest of my life to tell it. I need a break. I ain't leaving like I used to do when this place became too much off me, but I am now able to MODERATE, my usage of this wonderful corner cafe in cyberspace that I have been ADDICTED to. I found the key to that without giving it up altogether in these past two days. It's so simple it shocked the hell out of me when it dawned on me.

Ya see, I am a person that NEEDS an addiction active in my life to be happy at all. But I found the only one that can benefit me and still be an actual "active addiction", and still be positive. For me, it's 12 step programs. I have a LOT of self improvement to do, quietly on my own, and not shouting to all of you about it all, but I realized this in the course of 2 days of "divine intervention", as I see it to see the whole larger picture of the epiphany I have just now has at age 38. I just turned figuratively "18" 20 years after I should have. If that's not an excuse for my behavior off late it is an explanation and implied apology to you and everyone else if it annoyed them. But the bottom line is I STILL don't give a fuck what you think, and the only the only big difference is now I know were are all the same in that way, somehow or another. I just had and episode and I need to eventually write a short story of it and post it all in one non offensive story and y'all will like it and not be annoyed and of that I am sure because it was "cosmic" and crazy and wild and no way it was "coincidence" and....

And it took just 48 hours to digest after 20 years of searching for it. I stand here a "changed man" and all the better for it. I am not unique, special, better than anyone. I am the same as everyone, just different, but over the past six months, I have been regurgitating what a long strange trip it's been to "here", in my own way, "publicly journaling", it here on OTC for MY OWN benefit, and Immortalizing it on the internet and just plain old "groin' up".

I tried to write this back to ya SnP, Thank you, for being so egotistical as to think you needed to tell me everyone has this struggle in some way or another, but we ALL need to be reminded of that occasionally and obviously SnP, you needed to remind yourself of it, and though, you mistakenly thought it was me who needed that it was really you. It was me who needed it too though, but for me, having just come to the realization you were trying to help finish bringing me to, it was only "symbolic" and a subconscious message from you, to you, that YOU need it too. I had JUST realized it, thats how I KNOW what you were saying when I have not read it yet!

So I wrote the rebuttal once, and posted a thread, cuz I KNOW you had me on ignore, and Leslie came along and deleted it! So this is version two, I asked her via PM if I could get version one back so I can send it to you, but rest assured this "spiritual awakening I've just now had, is permanent It is more than anything a lot of HARD SATISFYING WORK, figuratively, "getting myself a job, and buying myself a life", but now I know, realistically, what I want, all the work and mini goals I have to hurdle to get it, and I have a vision and I will attain it, or I will stick a needle in my arm one more time, and at least figuratively commit suicide the choice it mine. I am a changed man, I need a break from this place but this time I am not leaving, but just "going private with my insane journaling"....I just needed this place publicly to do it for a while as part of my path to get "here". Please take ME off ignore SnP, and I swear you'll never want to put me there again, no matter our political differences, or triple your money back sir!

You do whatever you want as I know you will anyway, I's just that I'd like the honor and privilege of trying to "get to know you" in some small way, and not in a "political forum" because those views of mine have not changed and politics is not for discussion among civilized peoples for social occasions.

Peace out peeps and just to show I "get it" I am sorry you fucking pricks, now stop telling me what I already know and I will TRY to do you the same courtesy....

:finger: Fuck you ALL very much, and at the same damn time...

Is some sick, but beautiful way, I love you ALL, each in some unique and wonderful way, now that I am fully "awake", and know the task at hand, today is my last day off, and tomorrow, I begin work on year two of my permanent clean and sober life. Wish me well, I know you do, and thanks....



*PS NO more LONG posts for a while to come, of that I promise you it's over! And SnP, when I get the chance I'll read the PM, and thanks again....*