Indoctrination 101

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minus the liberal, tree hugger attitude, I've been singing that tune for a long time, Gonz. The Me, Me, Me mentality reigns, and it's a terrible thing to behold.
minus the liberal, tree hugger attitude, I've been singing that tune for a long time, Gonz. The Me, Me, Me mentality reigns, and it's a terrible thing to behold.

It's insane from my POV; we walk most places. We don't watch TV. 90% of our clothes are second hand or home made. Our family spends the vast majority of time in the master bedroom and kitchen reading, talking or working on the PC. We live very old timey in general and just make do.

What I saw in that video is part of why I can't stand going to Los Angeles, its all garbage there. Yeah, I think that movie best resembles how life is in the metropolis cities. ....aren't those all liberal turf?

Funny too, it was liberals that demanded we put fire-retardant on the pillows and bedding in the first place.
they've taught kids all variety of moralizing bullshit from time immemorial.

oh noes it's not your favorite flavor now.

stop whining, pussies.
Sometimes they show students different points of view and discuss shit.

I'm all afraid of this "indoctrination" drama now. Fear fear fear. Crap they even teach abstinence education in some schools.
It's one thing to teach facts ... another to teach opinions. Both are spewed out indiscriminately in this vid.

well shit then, they might as well not teach any history or other stuff outside of strict math + grammar. oh wait that shit's all bound up with ideological assumptions too.

nah, best leave the kiddies to play in their own ignorant filth, so they can grow up to be flag-waving, baby-making floor sweepers, just the way our free market heroes love them. hey, if'n we keep 'em economically desperate enough, they'll turn on their own! yeah!

look out, here come the injuns, er, commies, er darkie muslims!!!! it's okay, georgie washington will save us with his cherry-chopping axe! if he's late to the show, we can just hide behind that big blue ox for a spell.
OMG mink you are right! It lets us think beyond right fucking now, how quickly we can rape the planet, and at what profit margin! It makes us think about the big picture! People should be lined up against the wall and SHOT!!!

I DEMAND the military be called in!!!
The government take care of us? The government's job is to take care of the corporation, maximize profits, enslave the working class, keep the peace, and help us become extinct before anyone can stop it!
It's about brainwashing:

“Mmm mmm mmm:” New details about the Dear Leader song video

In case you were wondering which school taught kids that “Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm” rap that I posted yesterday afternoon, here are some new details.

The video was originally posted in June 2009 here by YouTube user “brandnuwords.” Update: She has now removed the video sometime this morning.

“Brandnuwords” is the YouTube account of Charisse Carney-Nunes. More on her in a moment.

YouTube user “alteredbeat” re-posted the video on September 6 here.

Alteredbeat e-mailed Carney-Nunes to inquire about the location of the school. She told him it was a school in South Jersey.

This screenshot from the video…

…matches up with this picture of the auditorium at B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington Township, NJ:

I have e-mailed the principal of the school with the following questions:

Did Ms. Carney-Nunes have permission to videotape the performance?

Were parents notified that their children would be participating in this activity prior to the lesson?

Was Ms. Carney-Nunes invited to the school to teach the children the song and about her book, “I am Barack Obama?”

Was the principal aware of this event and taping?

Back to Charisse Carney-Nunes. Via ModernConservative, Carney-Nunes is senior vice president of The Jamestown Project, “the award-winning author of the children’s books, I Am Barack Obama (2009),” and according to her biography, “a graduate of Harvard Law School, where she was a schoolmate of President Obama.” I have e-mailed Carney-Nunes for comment as well.

The Obama school song video that she taped shows her book featured on an easel next to the children hailing Dear Leader. She promotes her book as a tool that “allows children to see themselves through the inspirational story of President Obama growing up as an ordinary child asking, Who will change the world? Ultimately, he realizes that he will.”

She has spread this creepy cult message to schoolchildren across the country.

Coming to a classroom near you?
If you think that is a good idea, then you have a party.

By the way, Paranoid much? I mean, you've edited your last 4+ posts. :shrug:
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