

New Member
I'm pretty sure my navel piercing got infected, and I don't know how I did it because I've been so careful.

It's been gooping a yellowish-green pus for about 2 days, and just now when I went to clean it, there was some blood in it. It only came from the bottom hole. Regular whitish goop came from the top hole with no blood.

There's no pain, swelling, or redness, but the blood really bothered me. I don't know if maybe I stretched it and it cause a small tear or what, but at this point I don't know what the best solution is for this.

I clean my piercing twice a day with unscented, dye-free soap while I'm in the shower, as directed by the piercer, and it's been fine up until a few days ago.

Anyone have experience with this? I'm told infections are common for the navel, but how do I get rid of it?
I suggest using some sort of other cleaner...maybe sea salt and water...or a cleaning compound you can buy at the store...soap + open wound doesn't bode well with me...salt strikes me as a good long as you rinse well after.
Maybe your allergic to the material the piercing is made of.

My sisters can not wear any type of earrings other than gold, otherwise they get exactly what you described.
I risk an abscess that way, the jewelry needs to stay in so the pus will drain.

damn woman, that's hot.

but seriously, my female consort had one for a few years and it never quit getting irritated. after my complaints of "that thing is gross" and comments like "yer guts'll rot out" she got rid of it. yay.

and while we're on the topic of body modification... whatever you do, don't get anything tattooed on your lower back...
I had the same problem a month ago with having the cartiledge in my ear pierced. I went to the Docs and she put me on antibiotics. She said if it didn't clear up, it had to come out. Reason: the pus gets in to the blood stream and it will damage your heart.

After taking the antibiotics for a week and it was still throbbing and pussing, I had my sister take it out - blood and pus shot everywhere when it came out.

Anyways, your body is rejecting it - listen to your body, hun'. As sexy as you feel it makes you, your health is way more important.
Her body isn't necessarily rejecting it...just like she said, she coulda tore a bit of the hole inside or something if she pulled it too much...if it just started then she doesn't need to be jumping to conclusions yet.
Her body isn't necessarily rejecting it...just like she said, she coulda tore a bit of the hole inside or something if she pulled it too much...if it just started then she doesn't need to be jumping to conclusions yet.

Regular whitish goop came from the top hole with no blood.

Whitish goop may be "regular " but it ain't normal.*handonhip
Are you wearing a hoop? Hoops get irritated by pants etc because they get twisted to lay flat. I would recommend a barbell for everyday wear and a hoop for wearing out when it shows.
Clean it with warm water and sea could also use hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip for a couple days.
Yeah... It sucks when you get piercing. I have about 300 scattered randomly around my body for fun. One on my hand, one on my pinky, etc... and ooh, man it bites when they get infected... I kid... Anyway feel better. :toast:
Whitish goop may be "regular " but it ain't normal.*handonhip

My piercer said it will goop a clear/whitish fluid as it is healing, because the white blood cells and plasma leak out when it's not needed anymore. He said when it gets yellow and/or green then it means infection.

As for the blood last night, I was checking it out as I cleaned it this morning, and there was a little scab at the bottom hole, so I'm sure I stretched it somehow and it tore a little. No more blood and no more goop has made its appearence yet today, but I did a sea salt soak anyway before I took a shower.
Somehow I think vanity wins over practicality, Gonz.

Not that I am a puritan in that department either :D
TRAMP stamp:hump:

Actually the reason is probably a little more serious than what others will think. It's believed that putting a needle through an area with ink can have serious side effects and as a result many doctors won't give an epidural if you have a tattoo in the area where the needle usually enters (obviously if there are areas of the tattoo that aren't inked and the needle can go through there it's ok, but not if the needle has to pierce through inked areas).