Interview Game


New Member
Hopefully some of you will play this with me. It is something we do on Livejournal every now and then.

~K~ I'll ask three questions, and someone then answers them and asks three more. And so on and so on. Sound fun?

1.) Would you rather be a dolphin or a wolf and why?

2.) If you could be anywhere but where you are, where would you be?

3.) How often do you shave?
1) Wolf, I don't like swimming

2) England

3) About once a week.


1. When is the last time you were naked?

2. Did you enjoy yourself?

3. What is your favorite name?
1. When is the last time you were naked?
About 20 minutes ago in the shower

2. Did you enjoy yourself?
Yes, I gave my feet an oatmeal treatment

3. What is your favorite name?


1. Which smilie is your favorite smilie?

2. Ren or Stimpy?

3. If you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself?
1)probably :grim:

2) stimpy. rens an asshole :p

3) no. i dont trust hotdogs. i dont know what they got. I also say the same about me i dont know what i got.

1) favourite type of music?

2)tats or piercings?

3)favourite area to travel to?
1. :confuse3:
2. Hate them both, but i'd choose ren (is it the small one?)
3. Don't think so, not fond of eating my sausage :D

1. Day or night?
2. The City or the country?
3. do you actually write emails to friends or do you just forward those chains to them?
1) Rock and metal
2) Both
3) Home!

Ok Ok my turn!

1) Favourite movie?
2) Jay or Silent Bob?
3) Pepsi or Coke?
Luis G said:
1. :confuse3:
2. Hate them both, but i'd choose ren (is it the small one?)
3. Don't think so, not fond of eating my sausage :D

1. Day or night?
2. The City or the country?
3. do you actually write emails to friends or do you just forward those chains to them?

We skiped Luis, that's okay...

1. Night
2. Country
3. I hate those stupid chain I acctually write stuff.

Okay now Stewikins:

1) Favourite movie? it changes every week or so.
2) Jay or Silent Bob? Jay
3) Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi

My questions:

1) what is the most attractive thing to you about another person at first meeting?
2) John Cusak or Joan Cusack?
3) which is worse, a smelly fart in an elevator or a loud fart in bed with your lover?
1. smile or eyes
2. John Cusack. his movies are better
3. elevator

1. favorite japanese movie monster?
2. car or SUV?
3. do you consider yourself a geek?
1. Godzilla
2. SUV
3. sometimes, depending on what I am doing and what mood I am in.

1. Biggest Pet Peeve
2. If you could live in any decade, other than this one,which would it be?
3. You are forced to do without any human contact for 1 week. How would you spend that week?
PrincessLissa said:
1. Biggest Pet Peeve
2. If you could live in any decade, other than this one,which would it be?
3. You are forced to do without any human contact for 1 week. How would you spend that week?

1. drivers that have to move as far left (or right) as possible to take a right (or left) hand turn at 5mph or less.
2. 60's :sex2: :bong: :band:
3. computer games, reading, playing with the dog

1. how old do you want to live to?
2. will there ever be anything intelligent on tv ever again?
3. favorite cheese
1) I want to live as old as possible untill I start feeling old, than I will plan some cool way to die.

2) There are a few interesting shows on the Science chanel and health chanel, so maybe.
3) feta

1~You wake up the opposite sex, what is the first thing you do?
2~What color is the most soothing to you?
3~Money is no issue, where do you take the love of your life on vacation?
1-See what it's like to have sex as a guy (yes, that is HONESTLY something that I think about quite a bit)
2-Light pink
3-Some secluded beach where we can enjoy each other's company and have people bring us everything we need so we never have to leave each other's arms

1-If you coudl meet any person, dead or alive, who woudl it be?
2-Bacon bit or croutons?
3-Do you like SPAM?
Nixy said:
1-If you coudl meet any person, dead or alive, who woudl it be?
Probably "Weird Al" Yankovic, to give him mad props for his work through 1999's "Running with Scissors," and then ask him why "Poodle Hat" is such a drop-off from the rest.

2-Bacon bit or croutons?
Both, but if I had to choose one, probably bacon bits.

3-Do you like SPAM?
I've actually never tried it... but I like their ads. :D

My turn:
1. Liberty or guaranteed refrigeration, and why?
2. If a man is in the forest and there is no woman for miles around... is he still wrong?
3. Less filling, or tastes great?
1) Liberty I guess. Without Liberty I am not sure if you could really have guarenteed refrigeration.
2) Of course he is still wrong. :p
3) Anything that says that is simply less filling, it can;t taste too great.

1~What is your favorite way to reduce stress levels?
2~ Which is worse, getting pukes on or getting peed on?
3~ Ever let a big one rip and then realize someone was just around the corner?
1) Play computer games
2) Getting puked on, easy.
3) Yep. Not yet today though.

1) Would you like to own a horse/Pony
2) Do you consider yourself "Kinky"?
3) Would other people?
1-It woudl be nice but I've never gone ga-ga over the idea

1- Ever been caught mid sex? By who?
2-Ever caught someone mid sex? Who?
3-Would you ever fool around with a co-worker while at work?
1. yes. the cops. teenage backseat sex olympics. :D
2. yes. some unknown couple going at it while driving on the interstate. i almost crashed.
3. yes

1. do you own a gun?
2. novels or nonfiction?
3. do you consider yourself a cynic?
1) no
2) novels
3) not really

1. who has sexier cheerleaders, the 49'ers or the Dolphins?
2. what is the most irratating noise
3. Strangest place you've ever preformed a sex act.
1. who has sexier cheerleaders, the 49'ers or the Dolphins?
I dun't watch sports - so we'll say 49'ers.

2. what is the most irratating noise
the rattling sound in my car that I haven't pinpointed yet ...

3. Strangest place you've ever preformed a sex act.
Private country club - on the golf course


1. What's your dream job/occupation?

2. Are you happy with your physical self (body)?

3. What makes you vist OTC over and over again?