I went to that site, and browsed, and I am APPALLED! What are you thinking, providing advice like that? It should be
Check these out guys and gals:
Here a girl is having trouble with her computer freezing. This guy Hootermelots

tells her to go to the windows update site and it will automatically update her windows files for her, and she'd be good to go

Sadly, she is thanking him at the end of that one
Here a guy is asking for advice because he can't reply on a single site. This guy Hootermelots

advises a)a procedure called reformatting, recommend done by a professional b)reinstalling windows and other programs. He recommends this be done by a professional like Office Max or Office Depot

(remember now this is just because the guy can't reply on ONE site) c)the worst so far - he offers to do the service himself if the guy pays shipping and labour
Offering advice of this calibre to newcomers to computing whilst purporting to be knowledgeable is bordering on heinous.