Iran Still Not Working on "Nookyaler" Weapons

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Come debate the facts over in the religious discussion RM. That would be cool if you worked with facts at some point.
So what you are saying here is that shock and awe
would have been far more awesome if one nuke
was used instead?
I assure you the Iranians are no where near being able to build one
of those. On the other hand, the Israelis do have over 200+ deliverable nukes.
So what you are saying here is that shock and awe
would have been far more awesome if one nuke
was used instead?
I assure you the Iranians are no where near being able to build one
of those. On the other hand, the Israelis do have over 200+ deliverable nukes.

really, who are you gonna trust with a nuke?

Israel has had them for years, yet they have not used them.

Iran, they get one, I am thinking the only delay will be in deciding who to use it on.
Come debate the facts over in the religious discussion RM. That would be cool if you worked with facts at some point.
I'd say cato is already doing a fantastic job of handing you your ass on a platter.

I'm still hoping to help you overcome the sexualized events of your youth. I want to see you grow and understand that you really didn't do anything wrong, you were a child that was taken advantage of by a dirty old man.
I find that I must respectfully disagree.
Having a so called ‘nuke’ provides very limited
military advantage. In a military conflict with Israel
Iran would certainly be at a disadvantage.

Launching a nuclear missile strike against Israel
would be suicide. I personally think that Iran
is many years away from having this capability.

The political advantages of having a credible
nuclear missile first strike capability
afforded a country such as Iran is quite another matter.

Somehow I can not see Israel allowing such a eventuality
to come to pass without taking some preemptive action.

How about you?

The North Koreans certainly have leveraged their weapons program
to great effect over the years.
Launching a nuclear missile strike against Israel
would be suicide. I personally think that Iran
is many years away from having this capability.
IF they obtain the capability to produce a nuke I don't think they will use a missile for delivery. I would bet on a parked munition, or several. I certainly do not question their intents.
Cato has agreed with me on quite a few of the religious points. You were just proven wrong with a quickness.

So Cato agrees with you that Christians slaughtering non-Christians presents a serious threat to the American way of life under the Constitution of the United States.

You're getting pretty desperate.
So Cato agrees with you that Christians slaughtering non-Christians presents a serious threat to the American way of life under the Constitution of the United States.

Who said that? Is that a desperate straw man?

But christians even kill fellow christians because of religion. Remember that abortion doc that got murdered in church?
Who said that? Is that a desperate straw man?

But christians even kill fellow christians because of religion. Remember that abortion doc that got murdered in church?

No its not a strawman, you just don't track very well from minute to minute.

  • Glenn Beck wanted to know where a public official's allegiance falls; with the United States or with Religious Fatwahs and other dangerous tenets currently being practiced within his religion.
  • The Congressman is a devout Muslim, thus he has the potential to be religiously bound to the destruction of the United States and it peoples.
  • Several large aircraft were flown into targets here in the United States by religiously bound Muslims killing ~3,000 people in the name of Allah.
  • There has been a pattern of Muslims attempting to -OR- being successful at killing America peoples as a religious rite widely practice in the religion of Mohammad.
  • I just don't see how an abortion doctor's murder compares to a religion with over a billion adherents that currently and clearly showing a propensity and will to kill Americans based on their religious convictions.

I just don't see this same problem with peoples of the Christian faith. Do you?
OK, Cat and Spike agreeing on religion, and RM and Rj agreeing on anything ... Holy cats and dogs living in sin, Batman.
Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor: What do you mean, "biblical"?
Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
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