Iraq again

If Iraq launches a weapon of mass destruction, probably against Israel and our forces, should we ret

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unsure, probably yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unsure, probably no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unsure / does not know / don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Neutron bombs are rather nasty. I think the halflife on Strontium 90 is something like 45,000 years. Not fun for the long term. I say we just whip up a few dozen Big Blue 82s and turn large sections of the desert into anerobic bacteria devoid life with a nice glassy crust.
hehe yeah they are nasty. But it doesn't pollute the entire atmosphere if I recall correctly. Do we have any neutron bombs?
I remember that the US and the French were dabbling with them in the late 70s. I think they gave up on them after they realized that leaving buildings intact is fairly pointless when they positively reek of radiation for a gazillion years.
i answered no, but you would probably not understand my reasons (exactly the same as ris', who forgot to vote :p)
war is indeed an unpleasant and horrible thing. but taking civilians and using them against their will is kidnapping and murder. using pow's for enforced labour is wrong as well, just because it happens doesn't make it right and we should endeavour to see it does not.

our lives and the lives of our families are as important to us as those who are used as human shields are to them. by treating their lives as expendable we reduce ourselves to the level of despots; non-combatants are not members of military organisations and retain their status as private individuals.
if we are saying that we are the good guys, the 'betters', then we should hold the moral high ground and not treat non-combatants and civilians as cattle just for who they are. if we are so good then act like it.

civilian casualties of war are today a sad reality, but to place civilians deliberately in danger is nothing short of murder, which ever side does it.

as for neutron bombs - i can think of a few bits of hideous real-estate i'd like to see uninhabitable for deacdes merely on aesthetic grounds ;)
should Iraq/saddam hussein launch WMD at any time, they should be prepared for a nuclear response. Make an example of them.
i'd be sad if the example punished the iraqi people - i thought we were trying to rid them of a wicked dictator, not take them with him. i appreciate the reality of collatoral damage in war but i'd still be saddened.
Israel is supposed to have nukes, too. Never been actually proven, but widely accepted.
this is not intended to be inflamatory but why is their having nukes ok and other countries not? the proliferation of the weapon is supposed to be restricted but some countries seem to be ok [india and pakistan are always niggling each other but there seems to be no concern they might use them on each other] and others not.

if there is a rule set then it should be applied equally
No, Israel is responsible and have great control over their people. The other side does not. They are sick twisted monsters to detonate themselves around women and children for the world to see.
i'm not sure it answers my question [although there are those who might say that israel are not necessarily responsible and at times inflame bad feeling]

the point is, if nucleur proliferation is deemed a bad thing why is it that india and pakistan [for example] who are constantly on the brink of war aren't put under any pressure to not develop weapons of mass destruction and iraq is? the point was that iraq should be stopped bacause they might use them if they developed them, so might india and pakistan but there was no pressure to stop them.

i just see double standards there is all, if we don't want nukes spread all over shouldn't the pressure be even in all cases?
There is no comparing india and pakistan to Iraq. Besides, when they were building their arsonals we were to. Arguing double standards is novel i'm sure, but has little basis in reality.
as far as i was aware they both only achieved nuke capability in the last 5 years or so.
cool, thanks. i thought that the recent tests were pretty much their first. it seems they have been a development of several years. :)
Furthermore, Israel does not threaten the United States, which is why we are allied with them. Nor do they loathe our way of life and our culture like the Arabs do in general. Therefore they are our allies.
iraq does not have the range to directly threaten the usa, and the uk dossier said that the current development might make it possible to reach as far as turkey and perhaps cyprus.
ris said:
iraq does not have the range to directly threaten the usa, and the uk dossier said that the current development might make it possible to reach as far as turkey and perhaps cyprus.
It does not take much to smuggle a bomb in you know...