Iraq had no WMDs


molṑn labé
Staff member
Yes, no, maybe. Although, through all the screaming I swore I heard they had nothing nuclear (pronounced nukular?) at all. Nothing to worry about says ye of little faith.

Alrighty then, when this all about?
Globe said:
UN panel concerned about missing nuclear equipment
By Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press | October 12, 2004

UNITED NATIONS -- The UN nuclear watchdog group expressed concern yesterday about the disappearance from Iraq's nuclear facilities of high-precision equipment that could be used to make nuclear weapons.

In a letter to the UN Security Council, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said some industrial material that Iraq sent overseas has been located in other countries, but not high-precision items including milling machines and electron beam welders that have both commercial and military uses.

"As the disappearance of such equipment and materials may be of proliferation significance, any state that has information about the location of such items should provide IAEA with that information," said the agency's director general, Mohamed ElBaradei. IAEA inspectors left Iraq just before the March 2003 US-led war.

The Bush administration then barred UN weapons inspectors from returning, deploying US teams instead in what turned out to be an unsuccessful search for weapons of mass destruction.

Nonetheless, IAEA teams were allowed into Iraq in June 2003 to investigate reports of widespread looting of storage rooms at the main nuclear complex at Tuwaitha, and in August to take an inventory of "several tons" of natural uranium in storage near Tuwaitha.

ElBaradei told the council that Iraq is still obligated, under IAEA agreements, "to declare semiannually changes that have occurred or are foreseen at sites deemed relevant by the agency."

But since March 2003 "the agency has received no such notifications or declarations from any state," he said. As a result of the IAEA's ongoing review of satellite photos and follow-up investigations, ElBaradei said, "the IAEA continues to be concerned about the widespread and apparently systematic dismantlement that has taken place at sites previously relevant to Iraq's nuclear program and sites previously subject to ongoing monitoring and verification by the agency."

Some Nuke stuff

Please questions asked

Return to The UN
Screw the WMD's and the oil......since all the hurricanes we've had, I say we should take all their sand to rebuild our beaches :D
alex said:
Screw the WMD's and the oil......since all the hurricanes we've had, I say we should take all their sand to rebuild our beaches :D

Wouldn't work. Desert sand is almost as fine as talcum powder. You'd end up with a mud flat instead of a sandy beach...
Nonetheless, IAEA teams were allowed into Iraq in June 2003 to investigate reports of widespread looting of storage rooms at the main nuclear complex at Tuwaitha, and in August to take an inventory of "several tons" of natural uranium in storage near Tuwaitha.

Looters will take anything that they feel they can sell. Metal is at a premuim, of the point where children will walk into minefieds to retreive spent shell casings to sell for the brass.

I wouldn't be surprised if the 'lost materials' became cheap lighters and sold to visiting soldiers.
Does it matter where it went? Of course it does. However, that is another thread. This thread is about SADDAM HUSSEIN HAD NUCLEAR MATERIAL. According to the anti-war crowd he was harmless & had not been working with fissionable material..
errr...I'm not seeing something you guys are seeing I think.

*rambling cause I'm tired* It seems like it was previously known about...and it was when the "coalition" was in there that said looting ensued.

I was in storage it says. Not in a manufacturing zone. We knew he had the shit...the issue was whether he was doing something with it?

In reading it, it seems like it's NOW that they're not doing the reporting on it. gonna bomb this new dude too? HE HAS NUKES!! OH NOOOOO!!! Oh,'all put him there. Gotta wait for the next decimation of the populace by the madman first...nother decade or so at least. :p
Don't start on who's killing whom.

Assessments of the devastation vary. Last May, Human Rights Watch concluded that "as many as 290,000 Iraqis have been 'disappeared' by the Iraqi government over the past two decades." Last November 20, British Prime Minister Tony Blair said: "We've already discovered just so far the remains of 400,000 people in mass graves." This scale of destruction rivals 1994's Rwandan genocide.

from today
He said that unlike other mass graves, where the bodies are all lined up, here, they appear to have been bulldozed into the graves.

He added that the graves contain many bodies of women and children, including the body of a mother still clutching her baby, who had been shot in the head.

"Genocide is the attempt to eliminate, limit or exterminate a religious ethnic national or racial group," he said.
He shouldn't have been put there in the first place. I'm glad he's out. BUT. and you know that but, all the libby commie propaganda I spew...I don't need to say it again :lloyd:
He shouldn't have been put there in the first place.

This was no CIA coup. This was a power hungry man fighting & clawing his way to where he was. He was there by his own desires, not outside intervention.
Little of both, I think...but whatever. He's out, I don't believe and won't believe in the reasons given for going in. But I am glad in the end that the going in was done. Whether the guy put in there is the right one to lead, I dunno. I do hope the free elections thing sticks without corruption over the next few elections.

Interesting to think about though...whether simply going in for the right reasons publicly might have meant a bit less rebellion/uprising in the end, both in this side of the world and that one.

I would have supported my government going in on a dealie to fix up Sudan, Rwanda, Iraq, and like countries.
350 Metric Tons of Explosives Missing in Iraq
The International Atomic Energy Agency has confirmed a report that 350 metric tons of explosives are missing from a key former military installation in Iraq.

IAEA chief Mohammed ElBaradei is expected to brief the United Nations Security Council later Monday on the disappearance of the explosives.

The New York Times quotes experts as saying the missing explosives are of a type that could be used to demolish buildings, produce missile warheads or possibly trigger a nuclear weapon.

U.S. officials are said to have been informed several weeks ago that the explosives had disappeared from Iraq's Al Qaqaa military storage facility. The newspaper says the site was supposed to be under U.S. military control, but it has been extensively looted and was not secure as recently as Saturday
good thing the stuff was safely taken out of Saddam's hands before the bad guys got a hold of it :retard:
yeah i cant believe this. how do you let 380 TONS of explosives slip out of a known weapons stash! I mean you would need like dozens of 18 wheelers! wouldnt that be noticed!? who was it again who was saying we didnt need many soldiers in iraq? and firing the military leaders who suggested otherwise?
You gotta wonder if the Coalition hasn't secured the stuff somewhere and just aren't saying where it is,its difficult to fathom that an arsenal like that was ignored for so long.
You know, I've been hearing that same news all day long. The media has been pumping it like it was the democrats october surprise.

It's been played more than SCOTUS losing it's number one guy.

john whinning kerry aka Jo.Ke. said:
DOVER, N.H. (Reuters) - Democratic challenger John Kerry accused President Bush on Monday of committing "one of the greatest blunders" of his administration in failing to secure tons of explosives in Iraq and said the Republican incumbent did not deserve to be commander in chief.

But the truth is out there, and has been out there for quite sometime . . .

Jim Miklaszewski of NBC News pretty much dismantled the New York Times attack on behalf of Kerry today.

NBC News: Miklaszewski: “April 10, 2003, only three weeks into the war, NBC News was embedded with troops from the Army's 101st Airborne as they temporarily take over the Al Qakaa weapons installation south of Baghdad. But these troops never found the nearly 380 tons of some of the most powerful conventional explosives, called HMX and RDX, which is now missing. The U.S. troops did find large stockpiles of more conventional weapons, but no HMX or RDX, so powerful less than a pound brought down Pan Am 103 in 1988, and can be used to trigger a nuclear weapon. In a letter this month, the Iraqi interim government told the International Atomic Energy Agency the high explosives were lost to theft and looting due to lack of security. Critics claim there were simply not enough U.S. troops to guard hundreds of weapons stockpiles, weapons now being used by insurgents and terrorists to wage a guerrilla war in Iraq.”

NRO also reported on Fox and NBC.

So we never had control of the 380 tons of high-explosives, it wa gone when we got there. But it sure was good while the false report lasted.

Do you think Kerry will offer a retraction now?

In a letter this month, the Iraqi interim government told the International Atomic Energy Agency the high explosives were lost to theft and looting due to lack of security.
there is some bullshit somewhere. I guess we wait.
The United Nations nuclear agency has told the Security Council that nearly 350 tons of explosives is missing in Iraq and may have been stolen.

International Atomic Energy Agency Chief Mohammed ElBaradei is reporting that 342 tons of high explosives has disappeared from a site near Baghdad. IAEA officials in Vienna are quoted as saying the explosives could be used in either conventional weapons or in detonating nuclear weapons.

In a letter to the Security Council Monday, Mr. ElBaradei said Iraqi officials reported the missing explosives two weeks ago. He said the loss was likely the result of looting of an unguarded government installation.

The missing explosives were listed as 195-tons of HMX, or high-melting point explosives, 141 tons of RDX, or rapid detonation explosives and six tons of other material.

Mr. ElBaradei reported that the HMX had been under IAEA seal and the agency had verified the seal as recently as January 2003. The other explosives had been subject to regular monitoring by the IAEA of stock levels.

U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard says this is not the first time the IAEA has reported missing explosives. "ElBaradei has repeatedly informed the Council of his concerns about material, and installations present in Iraq that have gone missing since the war last year," he said.

Pentagon officials Monday said they don't know what happened to the missing explosives, but are launching an investigation. One senior official briefing reporters suggested it would be impossible to secure the ten-thousand sites where weapons and ammunition were discovered after last year's war.

Washington's U.N. Ambassador, John Danforth, had little information about the missing weapons. But he questioned the U.N. nuclear agency's involvement in the matter, since it does not involve nuclear weapons. "We're not sure why the IAEA is seized of this (eds: is interested in this) because it's not nuclear material, but it's explosive and it's serious and we take it very seriously so we're looking into it," he said.

The explosives were reported missing from the sprawling Al-Qaqaa facility near Baghdad. The New York Times newspaper said Monday that the facility was supposed to have been under U.S. control, but is now a no man's land picked over by looters.
yep someone's feeding other someones some bullshit somewhere. This makes no sense otherwise.

“April 10, 2003, only three weeks into the war, .........

The U.S. troops did find large stockpiles of more conventional weapons,

ResearchMonkey said:
So we never had control of the 380 tons of high-explosives, it was gone when we got there.

So what happened to all the conventional weapons ,The RDX/HMX was only a part of the 370 tonne stockpile ,not 370 tonnes of RDX/HMX
you know what I wanna know?

How come is it that everything on this green earth has to be about Bush vs. Kerry?

there's no right/wrong anymore, it's just Bush vs. Kerry and who wins the bs of the day war?