other than the fact that him and his boys went apeshit on the idea of invading iraq and constructed and vigorously pushed forward a case for invasion based on comic book assertions they presented as facts. no real WMD program, no real relationship with AQ ("but there must be, they's muslims!!!"). oh, yeah, and as uberkommandants they are the ones that put too few and under-resourced soldiers over there. so, yes, there is plenty of reason to criticize bush for how the war was progated and limp-wristed.
And Congress had the exact same information in which to deny any action on that front.
We already won Son.
Isn’t the bourgeoisie lifestyle you have proof enough for you?
right. so the children that sat around listening at story time are as guilty as the guy who wrote the fairy tale? someone fabricated a story. we all know who that someone is. and we know who the relatively ignorant audience was. there's a huge moral difference between the duper and the dupee(s).
We already won Son.
Isn’t the bourgeoisie lifestyle you have proof enough for you?
That someone was?
ha ha you funny.
According to the most vocal, Bush was as dumb as a box of rocks. If you are saying he is responsible, then what does that say about Congress?
Anyway...I'm asserting that Congress KNEW that the data was faulty, and voted for the funding for their own political gain. Remember...it was an election year. Once the elections were over, that was when those who were against the action suddenly decided it was wrong, and changed their minds on it. Once again...who is to blame?
okay let's pretend i said "a small group of assholes" instead of "someone."
please don't tell me you don't know who that refers to.
i'll give you some hints. one shot his friend in the face with birdshot. another goes by "hot karl" in the DC leather scene.
More than those two were in on it as well. Once again, I throw out the phrase 'election year'. A LOT of people shirked their responsibility in order to get re-elected. Had to look 'tough on terror'. Then...no sooner than they knew they won, they started 'finding fault' with the intel.
Then...no sooner than they knew they won, they started 'finding fault' with the intel.