IRS To Be Charged With Levying Fines Against Americans Without Health Insurance


Well-Known Member
January 3rd, 2010

Digital News Report – Besides collecting taxes and going after tax cheats, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be going after Americans who do not purchase private health insurance.

The new health care legislation being debated in Congress will put the IRS in charge of making sure Americans purchase a health insurance policy. Those who don’t pay will be penalized because all Americans will be forced to purchase a policy.

Besides making sure citizens do buy insurance, the IRS will assess penalties on those who do not. They will also collect new fees from businesses and oversee enforcement.

Already understaffed and overburdened, the IRS will need more agents. The CBO estimates that the extra cost would be $5 to $10 billion over the first 10 years. So far, neither bill in the House or the Senate includes any funding this.


• Section 7203 — misdemeanor willful failure to pay is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000 and/or imprisonment of up to one year.

• Section 7201 — felony willful evasion is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.” [page 3]
my uncle is a tax man acct. (ex-state irs)
He just found out that he's either gotta get certified, or go to a school thing.
No more regular accts.

He was semi-retired, now going full.

Pay to play just hit home there.
The IRS the new Gestapo!

I will become a criminal, I refuse to go along with this.
While I'm at it I'll stop paying all the other taxes.

In for a penny in for a pound, fucker them fuckers.
This whole thing is going to be settled, in the courts. Congress has ignored our pleas & demands. The only thing left is the legality of forcing Americans to purchase something. If it's done in teh next 3 years, it may be favorable. If it goes beyond that, it'll be damn hard to take away an entitlement.
Ayn was right.

It would be foolish to think its going to 'go away'.
But there is something else that is going to 'go away'.
IRS To Be Put In Charge Of The Final Destruction of Amerca.

If Ronnie was here today he'd advocate civil disobedience.
Human history begins with man's act of disobedience which is at the very same time the beginning of his freedom and development of his reason.
Will congress pass a law that requires everyone, regardless of income, to file an annual return to make sure that they have health insurance?
Will congress pass a law that requires everyone, regardless of income, to file an annual return to make sure that they have health insurance?

They cannot do that because then that would go against the Fifth Amendment of self-incrimination.

Oh, wait! We already do that when we file our taxes!
IRS Anal Probe

So all bets are off then right Gothy?

Every little thing will be government knowledge.
The results of your lst proctology exam will be government property.

Gives a hole new slant to having: The government up your ass!
Or the original link, a member called "Communication Guru" has done a fine job of debunking the whole idea that you can go to jail for not having insurance. gives even more details.

The repmichigander fellow is spinning lies into a blanket to cover all of your heads with fear.