Is Darkness the Opposite of Light??


New Member
Purely for the fun of would-be pseudo-philosophers..................

What do ya think? Are they opposites or not?

What about good vs evil, or hot vs cold.....are they?

(warning: sip yer coffee, an' think carefully before postin' yer reply);)
Darkness is absence of light. Polar opposites, I suppose. Same with hot/cold.

Good & evil are, well, more touchy....can one exist without the other?
What gonz said about light. Hot/cold is exactly like light/dark, cold is the lack of heat.

Good and evil are opposites.
Gonz said:
Darkness is absence of light. Polar opposites, I suppose. Same with hot/cold.

Good & evil are, well, more touchy....can one exist without the other?

I dunno, I kinda tend to think that evil is the absence of good, an' vice-versa, in equal, varying degrees, as with light an' dark.

Now, as for light an' dark, although polar "opposites", ie: darkness cannot be defined without the light, no?

So far, I thought, cold is absence of heat etc., though Winey threw in this whole conept of "neutrality", which threw my theory a major curve............(dammit):D Kinda like, a RABBIT is neither good nor evil, at any rate, it seems LESS "good" dead than when its alive...:rolleyes: :D
Heat is the ordered becoming does that mean cold is good? Hell no.
Good and evil are not the same. They are opposite. One is not the lack of the other. You can be both good and evil. Darkness is the lack of light. Therefor it can never be trully dark if there is any light (although it woudln't be waht we refer to as "light out" it woudl still be light)
funny thing is, nobody has said that light is the lack of darkness.

Luis G said:
funny thing is, nobody has said that light is the lack of darkness.
Do you suppose that's because light is a physical thing? Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, but everyone does realize that light has physical properties, right? Darkness is therfore the lack of light, but light is not the lack of darkness. Hot and cold are different, because to heat one thing, you cool something else and vice versa. Really the same thing. Good and evil? These are concepts, and only exist in our interpretation of the world around us. Opposite is a concept as well, so no, dark is not the "opposite" of light, but good could be the opposite of evil, depending upon your personal interpretation.
75renegade said:
darkness cannot be defined without the light
or vice versa
which would make them truly symbiotic.
neither opposite nor the same.
neither can exist without the other.
I was gonna reply to this thread .. but then I remembered that it would necessitate my having to think .. and I'm done thinking for the next two months :D
Light and dark are opposites...physics will tell you as much.

Heat and cold/Evil and Good...I feel more like they're not opposites per se...they opposite ends of a spectrum with the extremes on both sides being lightly populated. How many people can you say are truly good or truly evil? Even Bundy loved his mom, even Sister Theresa used 'white lies' to console the dying.

Let (s)he who is without sin throw out the first stone etc... you get the idea?