Is eLove purer than IRLove ?

PuterTutor said:
So is it cynical to say that life is too short for opportunities without some guarantee of return on investment?

When is there ever a guarantee? I don't see the medium making a difference in that.

Unless of course you were just speaking in general terms, in which case, I dunno dude. Thats a personl perogative...
I think the medium does make a difference in that, the internet can give you words, sometimes feelings. RL gives you much more, and I like that much more.
I think it has a lot more to do with culture then with the medium. Im guessing the reason the divorce rate has sky rocketed since the 1950s is not because clueless people started hooking up online in a pathetic attempt to get easy sex but because culture made divorce more a possibility as an option then it did pre-1950. did true love stop being "real" love after 1959 then?

now I realize the haters and the cynics will never change their mind about what "real" love is until they either die off and a generation who accepts online love as normal takes over or they experience it themselves much to their chagrin (like me) in an enlightening sobering epiphany.