is it just me or does this server suck?



half the time i have problems getting threads to load and the other half when i try to reply something happens where i can't. bah! :mad2:
I've no problems either. Maybe it's only yobbos with high speed internet how have problems? That would be a nice change.
56k here. I have found that whenever I can't get through to this site that I also can't connect with Xibase.
That's why I thought it was the server. Usually I go to other sites to determine if it is my connection or just this site that I have problems loading. If the other sites load normally and this one/xibase do not then I suspect it is this server.
Think maybe this board running on the same server at the same time as XiBase has something to do with the problem?
doubtful, i had those problems logging in to xibase before this board was created, this is just an extenstion of the main xibase directory more or less.
I think it has mostly to do with the fact that the server is barely a step above an adding machine. :rolleyes: one website scares it...two put it into shock. :grumpy:
I wish we were the only ones on the server. Then it would be nice and fast. but....there are like 100 sites on the server. They did do an upgrade on the server lastnight let me know if it acts up today. We are looking at another host if the problems keep up. But we will still have to share a server with many other sites. :(
Who knows maybe someday we'll be able to have our own dedicated server.
Acted up today. Left to browse, couldn't come back. I guess I just can't leave lol
Originally posted by samcurry
....there are like 100 sites on the server.
see?? that's just waaay too many sites for an adding machine.:flush:

Puked on me twice today.
Last night I saw it at 17, 22, 19, and 14 a few times

I've seen it hit as high as 97

That's what happens when you stick 100 sites on a weak server.