Is it Red?


Well-Known Member
anything red seems to need be scrutinized, from lead paint to food...

e.g. #2631 :nerd:

Got Bugs? Many Foods Colored With Extract From Tiny Beetle

Or other colors: Cochineal is bright orange, while its more purified form, known as carmine, is vivid red. They also may be found in purple or pink coloring.

Center for Science in the Public Interest has spent the last decade attempting to get the ingredient banned, based on reports of severe allergic reactions to the coloring, but even it hasn't been able to accumulate a complete list of products colored with the dye made from the female insect's crushed, dried body.,2933,479233,00.html
this is silly. something more to be afraid of. woo hoo. thanks, mainstream media.

we've all been eating this shit for years. there's probably far less people that will react to this stuff than will react to MSG, which isn't a demon at all but a lovely tasting substance.

now if you'll pardon me, i need to go take my gluten, lactose, and everything else-free nutriment back into my bubble.
this is silly. something more to be afraid of. woo hoo. thanks, mainstream media.

we've all been eating this shit for years. there's probably far less people that will react to this stuff than will react to MSG, which isn't a demon at all but a lovely tasting substance.

now if you'll pardon me, i need to go take my gluten, lactose, and everything else-free nutriment back into my bubble.

The youngest is allergic to it, it makes him into a demon.
this is silly. something more to be afraid of. woo hoo. thanks, mainstream media.

we've all been eating this shit for years. there's probably far less people that will react to this stuff than will react to MSG, which isn't a demon at all but a lovely tasting substance.

now if you'll pardon me, i need to go take my gluten, lactose, and everything else-free nutriment back into my bubble.

not to give a shit, you sure do seem to care a lot :confused:
a relative of mine decided that the birth of her daughter would mean sweeping lifestyle changes. she became moderately paranoid about germs. she washed her hands so often and under such hot water that she began losing the skin on her hands. she wouldnt accept sample meds from her doctor because sick people had been in the office and might have left germs on the packaging. she then became fearful of having a prescription filled. she wore gloves to go food shopping. would not eat at any restaurant because she was afraid the dishes or silverware or glasses hadnt been washed properly

you guessed it. the kid has more allergies than you can count
a relative of mine decided that the birth of her daughter would mean sweeping lifestyle changes. she became moderately paranoid about germs. she washed her hands so often and under such hot water that she began losing the skin on her hands. she wouldnt accept sample meds from her doctor because sick people had been in the office and might have left germs on the packaging. she then became fearful of having a prescription filled. she wore gloves to go food shopping. would not eat at any restaurant because she was afraid the dishes or silverware or glasses hadnt been washed properly

you guessed it. the kid has more allergies than you can count
OCD - Obsessive compulsive disorder

I've seen similar cases during my 'stage' at a local 'centre for the mentally ill'
That one's a not a half bad idea. Some of those shopping cart handles can get pretty sticky.

Stores these days are putting disinfecting wipes at the door to wipe down cart handles with.

As for me, I'm of the opinion that kids need exposure to some germs in order to build an immune system. That's not to say they shouldn't wash their hands after going pee and stuff like that... but if the place is kept too sterile and the kid gets sick from being exposed to a new germ out in the wild, wouldn't that fill the house back up with the germs you worked so hard to get rid of?
a lot of red food is not red because of bugs... as a vegetarian, i avoid carmine, and usually also stuff that doesn't say what the colors are, but there's plenty of red food i can eat. a lot of foods are colored with red 40, which comes from coal, and annatto, which is a plant. these things also cause reactions in many... just google "red 40", and tons of bad stuff comes up, like this:

here is a snopes article addressing carmine

wikipedia entry on annatto.

so it seems to me that it's possible the finger may be being pointed unfairly at carmine. it seems like red 40 does way worse things.
i grind andatto and use it often. what's really funny is that the thing that terrifies most about cheetos - that wacky coloring - is from something totally natural. shellac is also a common food ingredient. whoopee.

there are two that actually are quite bad - trans fats, which are very detrimental for anyone with any kind of heart issue, and high fructose corn syrup, which really is NOT the same as sugar as far as how the body handles it, despite the recent ads that the surely unbiased corn syrup council has put out....
well piss might not kill ya, but I'm sure not gonna drink it to see if it makes me stronger.:D