Is Love worth it?


New Member
For the first time in my life, I am in a serious relationship with someone who I think I could spend an entire lifetime with.. The problem is, Im not sure its worth it for everything I am going to end up letting go of.. If love is such a great thing, then why must you go through so much pain and anguish to get it? If I choose to continue the relationship I started with my girlfriend, one which started off way too fast and way too complicated.. I risk losing my entire way of life, and a very good friend of mine. Before this thing called love hit me upside the head with a hammer, I had a "normal" computer nerd life and was going to college. Now, all I have is total chaos, with my life and with my emotions. She also went through alot to take the chance on me, because she thought I was worth it. She sincerely loves me, and I want to love her back, but why then does it feel so wrong?

Is Love worth giving up something important for? I have told myself that I really didnt need anyone right now, that I was fine being single.. but I wonder, after having a small taste of what being with someone can be like, is it even possible to go back to how you were before?
EvilRemix said:
Is Love worth giving up something important for?

If you have to ask that question, it's probably not love.

I've been through a ton of relationships with men I loved, thought I could spend my life with. But looking back, I wasn't experienced enough to realize what that really means and what a mature relationship is. I didn't know it then but I do now.

Compromise is a HUGE part of a successful relationship. If, after a significant amount of time, you don't have that and don't want to give that, don't make any drastic decisions on your life with this person.
I am the wrong person to ask. I don't believe in love anymore.

But I will say this. You should never have to give up apart of yourself. Like GF said, compromise is a key ingredient, but don't eliminate something important to you.
I agree with GF :D Compramise is NB ^_^

Also, remember, if it is trully love on both of your parts, then the other person should also be willing to compramise, and in the end, the sacrifices you have made will be well worth it :D
Evilremix said:
Is Love worth giving up something important for?

Nobody can answer that for you. Welcome to adulthood. Life is full of compromises & this is one of the biggies. Marriage is a lifelong comittment, so don't look at it as a temp thing (choose once, WISELY) that will leave you in eternal bliss or singing Meatloaf songs ([sings]So now, I'm praying for the end of time[/sings] or most likely a combination of all emotions, sometimes in one hour.

Ain't growing up grand? Good luck.
Is love worth it? If it's love, you don't get a choice. It's got you by the short 'n' curlies and it will not let go. I've seen divorced couple who still love each other but just can't live with each other. You can still see them almost touch every time they pass.
If you can ask the question, it's not worth it.

dont' fall into the trap, and a year later be beating youself on the head for it
well, everybody is right about the if you have to ask its not love thing, but even then its no sure thing that its love. or maybe there a varying degrees of love. you need to sit down and evaulate your feelings. do what you honestly feel is the good thing for you. maybe you love what you are giving up, too. do you see where i'm heading?
love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve the continuation of the species...w. somerset maugham.
love is definately not worth it, if you have to change who you are. if you have to, it's not love.

but then again, this has been said and done a few times already....
I was in love (still am) with my now ex boyfriend. We lived far apart and i had to give up everything to be with him, go against my family, leave my friends, leave my life behind and take a leap of faith for love, i moved wih him and things were good, until he changed. I had thrown my life away for him and yet he wouldn't make a few adjustments in his life for me, so we split.

Now my life is upsidedown, and the only thing i can tell you is to make sure you have something to fall back on if it doesn't work out. Thats the mistake i made, and i havent got a bigger regret.
Xcite said:
I was in love (still am) with my now ex boyfriend. We lived far apart and i had to give up everything to be with him, go against my family, leave my friends, leave my life behind and take a leap of faith for love, i moved wih him and things were good, until he changed. I had thrown my life away for him and yet he wouldn't make a few adjustments in his life for me, so we split.

Now my life is upsidedown, and the only thing i can tell you is to make sure you have something to fall back on if it doesn't work out. Thats the mistake i made, and i havent got a bigger regret.
But the thing is, YES, you had a bad experience, and I'm sorry for it, but without that leap that you took, you wouldn't have known.

And I bet you're all the better person for it too :D