Is protesting still good?


molṑn labé
Staff member
When it may endanger the troops?

April 3 — Shifting protests against the war in Iraq to a new level, a San Francisco group says that it will set up a picket line Monday to block supplies being shipped to U.S. forces fighting in Iraq. The group, Direct Action to Stop the War, said will attempt to “shut down the war merchants” at the port of Oakland by urging members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union to not cross the picket line.

THE TARGET OF Monday’s action is American President Lines, a cargo carrier that has contracts with the Defense Department to ship supplies to U.S. forces overseas.
The port of Oakland is the fourth-busiest cargo container port in the United States.

Hmm. If they were blocking supply lines in Iraq, what would happen to them?
I believe that action is called criminal tresspass. It can also be catagorized as aiding and abetting. Worst of all, those supplies they are so hot to stop are not really important to the war effort. Most of that stuff can be 'appropriated' here. ;)
Gonz said:
THE TARGET OF Monday’s action is American President Lines, a cargo carrier that has contracts with the Defense Department to ship supplies to U.S. forces overseas.

But of course, they still support the troops... they just want to make sure they're not fed or provided with ammunition.
You know, I really would like to see the authorities take a stab at that aiding and abetting charge. Anyone know whether that would fly or not?
I would think a charge of treason would be the easiest to get.
Gonz said:
When it may endanger the troops?

protesting is not good when it endangers anyone. ever. i have lost respect for so many protesters. i am still against the war ill still protest myself but i hope none of you will lose respct for nor will you affiliate me with assholes like that. :mad2: :rolleyes:
The cops don't think this kind of protesting is good. Anyone here seen (name deleted) ;)

sfgate said:
Police open fired Monday morning with rubber bullets at an anti-war protest at the Port of Oakland, injuring several longshoremen standing nearby.

Police were trying to clear protesters from an entrance to the docks when they opened fire and the longshoremen apparently were caught in the crossfire.

Six longshoremen were treated by paramedics and at least one was expected to be taken to a hospital. It was unclear if any of the protesters was injured.

"I was standing as far back as I could," said longshoremen Kevin Wilson. "It was very scary. All of that force wasn't necessary."

Last week, a San Francisco-based peace group, Direct Action to Stop the War, had announced that it would stage a series of protests Monday involving new acts of civil disobedience.

The Port of Oakland was among the targets, organizers had said, because at least one shipping company is handling war supplies.
Ardsgaine said:
Hmm. Why did they have to fire on them? They couldn't just go in and cuff them?

Federal property. depends upon how unruly the crowd was.
Charge them with Sabotage.

U.S. CODE AS OF 1/02/01


Section 2153

(a) Whoever, when the United States is at war, or in times of national emergency as declared by the President or by the Congress, with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the
war or defense activities, or, with reason to believe that his act may injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the war or defense activities, willfully injures, destroys, contaminates or infects,
or attempts to so injure, destroy, contaminate or infect any war material, war premises, or war utilities, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than thirty years, or both.

(b) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be punished as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

Section 2154. Production of defective war material, war premises, or war utilities

(a) Whoever, when the United States is at war, or in times of national emergency as declared by the President or by the Congress, with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the
war or defense activities, or, with reason to believe that his act may injure, interfere with, or obstruct the United States or any associate nation in preparing for or carrying on the war or defense activities, willfully makes, constructs, or causes to be made or
constructed in a defective manner, or attempts to make, construct, or cause to be made or constructed in a defective manner any war material, war premises or war utilities, or any tool, implement, machine, utensil, or receptacle used or employed in making, producing, manufacturing, or repairing any such war material, war premises or war utilities, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than thirty years, or both.

(b) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be punished as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

Section 2155. Destruction of national-defense materials, national-defense premises, or national-defense utilities

(a) Whoever, with intent to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the national defense of the United States, willfully injures, destroys, contaminates or infects, or attempts to so injure, destroy, contaminate or infect any national-defense material, national-defense premises, or national-defense utilities, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

(b) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each of the parties to such conspiracy shall be punished as provided in subsection (a) of this section.
Did the bean bags/rubber bullets seriously injure anyone?

Hmm... I think they should have been beaten with sticks instead, or maybe just tarred and feathered.
outside looking in said:
Did the bean bags/rubber bullets seriously injure anyone?

They had some pretty serious welts on their backs. They were showing them off on TV. It's much less than what they deserve.
outside looking in said:
Did the bean bags/rubber bullets seriously injure anyone?

they were created not to but they might i think.

Ardsgaine said:
Hmm. Why did they have to fire on them? They couldn't just go in and cuff them?

if they were a threat to the safety of others and wouldnt comply with orders that maybe the last resort.
we used to hear of fatalities when the police/army used rubber bullets in northern ireland. it was rare, but did happen.
This things been all over the news here since it happened right in my city. Looks like there is going to be an inquiry into whether excessive force was used. Sounds like they jumped the gun a little bit.

I think your run of the mill handcuffing would have worked just fine.
1. How peaceful was the crowd?

2. How many police officers?

3. How long had this been going on when the police opened fire?