Is this a joke?


Powell just held a press conference and declared Turkey a "great friend". Apparently, they have requested funds for Turkey in the package they submitted today. These assholes totally disrupted the war plan by trying to blackmale us at the last minute and this fucking scrotumless administration doesn't have the balls to call them on it. We have six cargo ships sailing in circles in the Med that are loaded with much needed supplies that were supposed to go in through Turkey. We are such fucking hypocrits it makes me sick...
Honor in the field of politics is an exploitable weakness. Truth never is. *insert random Machiavellian quotation here*
i think the honour may have gone when the us tried to buy its way through turkey. wave the notes and people get greedy.
i heard it a bit of both ways, the us offered some massive aid packages in return for access, knowing full well the turkish governement weren't all that keen. offer far too good to be turned down kind of thing. i seem to recall there were similar goings on in the un over voting as well 'scratch our backs, etc.

problem is when people see that they can get something for it they always want more.
sorry mate, but in the most part it does. where governments are concerned i've come to the conclusion that they act in often the most stupid and irrational ways, self interested and surprised when others act the same way.

i recon that the 98% of the people in the world couldn't care less about what shit their governments are doing and they just want to have a quiet life, earn some cash and take a holiday once in a while. at that level we all pretty much the same.
Politics sucks, the world is fine.

These games are as old as organized governments, if not older. Arranged marriages to strengthen bonds between countries/tribes is a prime example. It has nothing to do with honor. Honor is broken when what's said isn't followed through.
I'm starting to think the whole world sucks.......
I think your starting to get the idea. I try to be idealistic, but this damned cynicism keeps getting in the way.

If I was looking at it from outside, I'd probably think the only problem with humanity was the human beings...
Gonz said:
They have great company...the Chinese :rolleyes:

There you go with another tactical diversion, Gonz. What does China have to do with the hypocrisy of Bush's statement about terrorists and Saudi Arabia's "favored nation" status? Is it that hard for you to admit Bush is a fucking clown who has told us worse lies than "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...."?