Is this a joke?

MFN status is the normal level of relations, not some kind of special gift. 90%+ of the worlds nations have such a status.
Saudi Arabia is not a terror sponsoring state. That is the official line, whether it's Dubya or Putin or Blair or Fox or fucking Jung Il.

I don't like it but it's the world of politics.
c'mon squig - you don't want to be caught thinking for yourself, it's what tv tells you or nuffink.
And how exactly did you come to the conclusion that Gonz actually believes the official line? His statement "I don't like it but it's the world of politics" would lead me to believe otherwise.

Or is it just too much fun taking pot shots at people?
Unless you have your own secret services all over the world gathering information for you independently, then all of the information that you absorb on a daily basis is somebodys official line.
Then why the fuck have I seen almost EVERY right winger in this forum stae that "liberals don't think for themselves"? You're making up rules as we go and it kinda destroys the conversation....
Well, I see. When the Clinton News Network reported something, and liberals believe it, they weren't thinking for themselves. But when the media backs the right, its out of fashion to be skeptical. Ok, gotcha ;) I'm not a liberal myself, and until the arrival of emperor Bush I considered myself to be to the right. But now, I'm not sure. I guess I'll continue to try to be a middle of the road Independent. Its safer. You can be skeptical of both sides that way ;)
I'm not seeing any 'rules'. I'm just seeing a free flowing river of first impressions, second impressions, and long held beliefs being molded by the dynamics of the situation at hand. Its called 'opinion'. If anything, I am seeing an utter lack of rules.
Squiggy said:
Then why the fuck have I seen almost EVERY right winger in this forum stae that "liberals don't think for themselves"? You're making up rules as we go and it kinda destroys the conversation....

Where the fuck did this come from? I don't believe that I've ever said that, and I'm conservative.
You can be skeptical of both sides that way

I have believed for years that they are pretty much all liars, thieves and con artists. The only real difference between politicians of the various parties is the lies that they tell.
Squiggy said:
But we're dumping French wine in the streets. Where the fuck did our honor go?

we had honour?

Squiggy said:
I'm starting to think the whole world sucks.......

wow. your just realising this now suig??? anyone coulda told ya that mate

Squiggy said:
Then why the fuck have I seen almost EVERY right winger in this forum stae that "liberals don't think for themselves"?

or in some cases kill a democrat. :rolleyes: im liberal myself but i question everything i hear
I don't 'accept' the 'official line' from the left or the right. My beliefs fall left of center but they are my beliefs. Not what anyone has told me to think.
Everyone is a centrist in their own minds. After all, everyones ideas seem balanced and practical to themselves. Everyone else in the universe falls elsewhere.
Squiggy said:
Then why the fuck have I seen almost EVERY right winger in this forum stae that "liberals don't think for themselves"? You're making up rules as we go and it kinda destroys the conversation....
Funny, though I don't remember ever making that accusation, I have been accused of just such "not thinking for myself" on more than one occasion by the liberals. :rolleyes:

Hasn't that been the general theme from you, flav, and a few others for weeks now? If we're just swallowing what Bush et. al. are saying, then we aren't thinking for ourselves, according to the world by squig. You accuse Gonz of just such a thing in this very thread. Did it ever occur to you that we might agree after putting some thought into it? Or that we disagree but understand why things are the way they are (i.e., why we are not currently bombing SA)?

And then you have the gall to condemn the "right wingers" for doing what you have just done. Aren't you the one that harps on hypocrisy every other day?
