Is this "acceptable"...

ClaireBear said:
The actual phrase was... ahem... "I think it would be a good way to let me know just how much you really do care for me"... same thing though really ain't it?
Yup it is. A slightly more subtle way of saying it, but the same nonetheless.

Pulling? He pulled... its a one off... so far.
Once is enough to start warning lights in my mind. My ex pulled that once, I *firmly* set her straight that it wasn't going to wash with me, never happened again. Then again it may be a one off, but keep your eye out for it ;)

And maybe I'm slightly biased in my interpretation... according to my sister my blushing and wide eyedness of uncomfort around my ex looked very much like desire... :shrug:

But thanks for the imput... you've all opened my eyes to what may become a problem... re: further discussion last night I'm not worried... alot of what went on was lager, wine and bacardi fuelled...
At least you talked about it and are keeping it in mind, can only be a good thing in my books :thumbup: