Is Top Gun GAY?


New Member
His general iconography and appearance smack of gayness, from the bleach blonde highlights and hair gel, to the macho-man walk and hand-on-hip stances he adopts at numerous points during the film.

So being macho is now gay...??? :confuse3:

Just when I thought I had it all figured out... :(


Well-Known Member
People like that scare me. Right along with folk that think Elvis is still alive, and those still looking for the grassy knool gunman.


*frown* What does it matter whether he is gay or not? I don't think it has anything to do with me really, and I'm always unsure why people are so concerned over what another guy/gal prefers.


New Member
if top gun is gay, i'm turning in my badge...gag me with puntang, tom cruise is not hot...


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Damn, I'm not even gay and I think Tom Cruise is hot. Guess that's why I'd never make a good gay guy. :disgust2: