
99.9999999995% of Muslims are not terrorists, yet people insist of treating all muslims as if they're terrorists and Islam as if it's a religion that espouses terrorism. That's the issue.

Did you know that most rapists in North America are white males between the ages of 17 and 45??

Maybe every male on OTC should be rounded up and tried for rape? Makes almost as much sense
I don't see how that can make nearly as much since, when your example
only uses a singular criteria.
99.9999999995% of Muslims are not terrorists, yet people insist of treating all muslims as if they're terrorists and Islam as if it's a religion that espouses terrorism. That's the issue.

Did you know that most rapists in North America are white males between the ages of 17 and 45??

Maybe every male on OTC should be rounded up and tried for rape? Makes almost as much sense

I'm not white. Go ahead. :D

As to your broad generalization of the other generalization, you get no glory. Most people know that most muslims are not terrorists. Most people also know that ignoring the facts about 9/11, and the group that did the deed is not too bright, either. The difference between a liberal and a conservative on this level is the issue of trust. Pick your poison, and hope you survive it.
Did you know that most rapists in North America are white males between the ages of 17 and 45??

Maybe every male on OTC should be rounded up and tried for rape? Makes almost as much sense

Tried? No. We are all potential suspects though.
I'm not white. Go ahead. :D

As to your broad generalization of the other generalization, you get no glory. Most people know that most muslims are not terrorists. Most people also know that ignoring the facts about 9/11, and the group that did the deed is not too bright, either. The difference between a liberal and a conservative on this level is the issue of trust. Pick your poison, and hope you survive it.

trust what? i don't quite understand my choices. what does supporting vigorously pursuing those little fuck-cakes in al quada et al - while not being a dunderhead racist - qualify as?
Fear is the destroyer of all good things.
Fear is a hardwired survival trait (and a good thing in most circumstances). Unreasoning fear is what's dangerous.

Re the subject at hand,
What does supporting vigorously pursuing those little fuck-cakes in al quada et al - while not being a dunderhead racist - qualify as?
Fear is a hardwired survival trait (and a good thing in most circumstances). Unreasoning fear is what's dangerous.

Re the subject at hand,
I'd say that unless you're talking about fight/flight reactions...or immediate reactions to events, that most falls into fear of the unknown.
The issue is that people refuse to try and learn more about what they see if it makes any sense at all.

I'd place racism and many other 'isms under fear of the unknown.
I'd say that unless you're talking about fight/flight reactions...or immediate reactions to events, that most falls into fear of the unknown.
The issue is that people refuse to try and learn more about what they see if it makes any sense at all.

I agree, and that's one reason we're in messes with the war, and illegal immigration problems.
IMO it doesn't make sense to try to fix a problem when you have dependency
on other people that (might or might not) do what is expected.
If they don't a/the plan will fail.
Again IMO, to fix problems you have to be in control of all aspects.
If the plan is not a total control one, it needs change.
I'd say that unless you're talking about fight/flight reactions...or immediate reactions to events, that most falls into fear of the unknown.
The issue is that people refuse to try and learn more about what they see if it makes any sense at all.

I'd place racism and many other 'isms under fear of the unknown.

Read it again, Bish. Who said anything at all about fear of the unknown?

Fear of the unknown, however, is certainly a survival instinct. It's where the concept of caution comes from.

Unreasoning fear is the dangerous kind. That's the kind racism is. As you say, we have nothing to fear from 99.whatever% of muslims or blacks or asians or pick one. Yet our fabulously accurate media seem to try to foment and encourage such fear at every turn, even while decrying the racism it causes. Interesting, huh?
Read it again, Bish. Who said anything at all about fear of the unknown?
Me..just now.

Those who fear islam, do so because they don't understand it, and are spoon-fed what often amounts to outright lies by the media and GVT.

Islam is trying to take over the world. Islam is a religion of violence. Islam is the religion where terrorists get promised 40 virgins in the afterlife if they die while killing infidels.
Islam is X. X is bad. Therefore Islam is bad. Therefore all muslims are bad.


Therefore be afraid, and go running to big brother GVT to protect you. Give up your rights and freedoms if it helps GVT protect you. Give GVT all your power if it helps them protect you. Don't doubt the GVT....they know more that you. They won't tell you everything to protect you. What you don't know can't hurt you...but in the meanwhile.

Fear the communists!
Fear Cuba!
Fear the USSR!
Fear Vietnam!
Fear Iraq!
Fear Terrorists!
Fear North Korea!
Fear Iran!
Fear Climate Change!

We aren't afraid of them. They are afraid of us. 99.999999995 only allows for one terrorist per billion. I dare say there are enough to form a canasta tourney. Shave off three nines and I might believe you.
Terrorist canasta could be a hit show. I bet it'd get better ratings than the World Poker Tournament.