Israel vs ...

Gato_Solo said:
3. In order for international laws to be prosecuted, the country pressing for grievance must be innocent of breaking any laws themselves.

Now, spike...let's here some more BS from you. It's starting to become comedic in it's intent and its value.

So the US can press for grievance or are we breaking too many laws currently?

What's with the insults?
highwayman said:
Some more pacifist rigamorole...
Before we stop supporting our alias America should stop supporting the UN...

Interesting choice of words with "alias". I'm not sure what's pacifistic about refusing to support riminal behavior.
The only thing you have quoted so far are resolutions from a useless orgsnisation the UN. As far as I am concerned this discussion is a circular argument....
highwayman said:
The only thing you have quoted so far are resolutions from a useless orgsnisation the UN. As far as I am concerned this discussion is a circular argument....

You call the organization useless yet Israel is a member and as such has agreed to it's provisions. If they are not going to abide by it they should leave the UN.

I've asked a couple times now but you haven't bothered to reconcile that part.
spike said:
I've asked a couple times now but you haven't bothered to reconcile that part.

There is nothing to reconcile, you are asking me to answer for the actions of an independent nation...
spike said:
I'm asking why you think it's ok for them to break laws they have agreed to abide by.

The United Nations is not a governing body and do not enforce any rules or laws, in fact rarely does it enforce it's own resolutions....
Here, ladies & gentlemen, we have an example of how the UN, and other diplomatic bodies, work. Everything needs to be defined & then those definitions need to be agreed upon. Of course, typically, the diplomats can agree they're agreeing or agree on what they've agreed upon.

This is why the UN body is useless. Israel, abiding by UN resolution & using article 51 of the UN Charter, are protecting themselves from international terrorists that another UN member nation agreed to protect them from but the other UN member nation failed to live up to its agreement so now Israel is, again, getting blamed for using a UN Charter & protecting itself.

Just as soon as the delegates of the UN diplomatic core get back from their Swiss retreat (23 weeks vacation just aren't enough) they'll get back to blaming Israel & the Unites States for Hezbollah & Hamas & maybe they'll pass some more resolution s saying something to the effect of STOP IT!
Well them Jews are killin' them bad guys now.

yer foreign aid dollars well spent I'd say fer sure
What a surprise

BEIRUT, Lebanon - A senior Hezbollah official said Tuesday the guerrillas did not expect Israel to react so strongly to its capture of two Israeli soldiers.

"The truth is — let me say this clearly — we didn't even expect (this) response ... that (Israel) would exploit this operation for this big war against us," said Komati.

He said Hezbollah had expected "the usual, limited response" from Israel.

spike said:
So the US can press for grievance or are we breaking too many laws currently?

What's with the insults?

Resolutions are not laws, and there was no insult...
Gonz said:
Israel, abiding by UN resolution & using article 51 of the UN Charter, are protecting themselves

You keep trying to justify their actions with one law while ignoring the fact that they are breaking so many others. That makes you're arguement useless.
spike said:
You keep trying to justify their actions with one law while ignoring the fact that they are breaking so many others. That makes you're arguement useless.

It's not law.