Here, ladies & gentlemen, we have an example of how the UN, and other diplomatic bodies, work. Everything needs to be defined & then those definitions need to be agreed upon. Of course, typically, the diplomats can agree they're agreeing or agree on what they've agreed upon.
This is why the UN body is useless. Israel, abiding by UN resolution & using article 51 of the UN Charter, are protecting themselves from international terrorists that another UN member nation agreed to protect them from but the other UN member nation failed to live up to its agreement so now Israel is, again, getting blamed for using a UN Charter & protecting itself.
Just as soon as the delegates of the UN diplomatic core get back from their Swiss retreat (23 weeks vacation just aren't enough) they'll get back to blaming Israel & the Unites States for Hezbollah & Hamas & maybe they'll pass some more resolution s saying something to the effect of STOP IT!